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Show THE MAKING OF A FAMOUS MEDICINE How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is Prepared For Woman's Use. A visit to the laboratory where this ueeasaful remedy is made impresses even the casual looker-on with tie reliability, reli-ability, accuracy, skill and cleanliness which attends the making of this great medicine for woman's ills. Over 860,000 pounds of various herbs are used anually and all have to be gathered at the season of the vear when their natural juices and medicinal substances sub-stances are at their best. The most successful solvents are used to extract the medicinal properties from these herbs. Every utensil and tank that come In contact with the medicine is sterilized and as a final precaution in cleanliness the medicine is pasteurized and sealed in sterile bottles. It is the wonderful combination of roots and herbs, together with the kill and care used in its preparation Vrhlch has made this famous medicine o successful in the treatment of female ills. The letters fro women T?bo Tiave been restored to health by the Use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Com-pound which we are -continually publishing pub-lishing attest to its virtue. LIFT OFF CORNS! iDoesn't hurt a bit and costj only a few cents oik Magic! Just drop a little Freezone on that touehy corn, Instantly It stops aching, then you lift the corn off with the fingers. Truly 1 No humbug! Try Freezone ! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle for a few cents, sufficient to rid your feet of every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and calluses, without one particle of pain, soreness or Irritation. Freezone is the discovery of a noted Cincinnati genius. FARMERS ARE WORKISQ HARDER ' And uning their feet more than ever before. For all these workers the frequent use of Allen's FootEase, the antiseptic, healing powder to be shaken into the shoes and sprinkled in the foot-bath, increases their efficiency and insures needed physical comfort. com-fort. It takes the Friction from the Shoe, freshens the feet, and prevents tired, aching ach-ing and blistered feet. Women everywhere are constant users of Allen's FootEase. Don't get foot sore, get Allen's FootEase. Sold by dealers everywhere. Adv. Buy a Farm Now, Bmju land Is cheaper than It will Ter be again. The U. S. Railroad Administration is prepared to furnish fres Information t homeseekera regarding fanning opportunities. opportuni-ties. We have nothing to sell; no money to lend; only Information to give. "Write me fully with reference to your needs. Name the vtate you want to learn about. J. Ij. Edwards, Manager, Agricultural Section, U. fl. Railroad Administration, Room 7, . Washington, D. C adv. The Cutlcura Toilet Trio Having cleared your 6kln keep It clear by making Cuticura your very-day toilet -preparations. The soap to cleansa and purify, the'Olntment to-soothe and heal, the Talcum to powder and 'perfume. 'per-fume. No toilet table is complete without them. 25c everywhere. Adv. Calling names In an argument may make the chap called sore, but do they answer his arguments? Important to Mothers) Examine carefully every bottle of CASTGRIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that it In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for -Fletcher's Castoria STRENGTHENS BLOOD "Ton can't expect weak kidneys to Ulter the acids and poisons out of vour system unless they are given a little help) :Don't allow them to become diseased when a little attention now will pre-- pre-- vent it. Don't try to cheat nature. As soon as you commence to have backaches, feel nervous and tired. GET BUSY. These are usually warnings that your kidneys , are - not working; properly. Do not delay a minute. Go after the cause of your ailments or you may find yourself in thegrip of an incurable disease. dis-ease. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil capsules cap-sules will give almost immediate relief from kidney troubles. GOLD MEDAL MED-AL Haarlem Oil Capsules will do the work. They are the pure original Haarlem Oil Capsules imported direct from the laboratories in Haarlem. Holland. Hol-land. Ask your druggist for GOLD MEDAL and accept no substitutes. Look for the name GOLD MEDAL on every box. Three sires, sealed packages. Money refunded if they do not quickly help you Adv. There s a J?eason J why so many people make Grape-Nuts the regular part, of at. least one meal each. day. It's because of the delightful flavor, and wonderful won-derful values of Grape-Nuts as a nealth. builder. COULDN'T SLEEP Was Miserable and Loosing Weifkt Suffering From Kidney Complaint Doan's Removed the Trouble, "I was about down and out from kidnev trouble' says Harry Griffith, of H8 N Darlington St., Westchester, Fa. "The kidney secretions burned like tcalding water. Sometimes there would be a complete stoppage and, oh! what tpaiu I suffered! My feet became 6wollen and I had a time of it getting on my shoes. "My back hurt right over my kidneys. Nights I did nothing but tose about. It was just as though a knife were thrust into my back. I m couldn't bend over with er. Grimtt out terrible pain and I would fall to my knees and crawl along to get hold of something to help myself up. Blinding dizzy spells came on and terrible headaches added to my misery. "I was rapidly losing weight and knew something would have to be done. I began taking Doan's Kidney Pills and was more than surprised.. The troubles were soon leaving me and six boxes of Doan's Kidney PiUs cured me entirely. To this day I have been free from kidney complaint." Sworn to before me. A. J. TOWXSEXD, Notary Public. Get Do&n's at Any Star; 60c a Boa DOAN'S "pJLV FOSTER-MILBURN CO, BUFFALO. N. Y. 1 Reduces Strained, Puffy Ankle, f - Lymphangitis, Poll Evil, FUtula, M' Boils, Swellings; Stops Lameneta $p and allays pain. Heals Sore, Cuts. J Bruises, Boot Chafes. It is a &y SAFE ANTISEPTIC AND GERMICIDE Does not blister or remora tha hiirand hone can be worked. Pleasant tout. $2. SO a bottle, delivered. Describe your cat for tpecial instruction! and Book 5 R free. ABSORBINE, JR., tnttirpdc liniment for mmhlW. r. tfucet Strain. Painful. Knotted. Swollen Vein. Cocft-tratcd Cocft-tratcd only ft lew dropi required tn pplkulo, Prk 1.25 per bottle tl dcftlcri or delivered. W.F.YOUNG. P. D. F.,J10T.mplitt.,3prlflol. Mau. I NEW SOUTH WALES INFORMATION BUREAU SlBffer Butldinf. 149 Broidwif. New York City Will b pleased to need QoTranint Bulletins or tvniwer tnr lnqnlrie rttgardina opportunities opportu-nities for firming, stock nUtnu. fruit growing, mining ud lnTeaiment In Now 6oata WtvlM aus t r alia W. N. U., Salt -Lake City, No. 25-1919. "FAKE" ASPIRIN WAS TALCUM - '( Always Ask for Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" wed If you see the "Bayer Cross" on the package you are sure you are not getting get-ting talcum powder. Millions of fraudulent fraud-ulent Aspirin Tablets were recently sold throughout the country. Aspirin In the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture, of Monoacetlcacldcsfer of Sallcyllcacld. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected. Judjfing from report from dnfirHrta who arp constantly in direct tourh with the public, there ii one preparation that has been very Burrrnful in overemning thewe condition. Hie mild and hraling influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root soon realized. H ft finds the highest for iti remarkable record of sueecst. An examining physician fr one of th-prominent th-prominent Life IrifuirHn'-e Companies, j an interview of the subject, made the t-toninhina t-toninhina Ftntement that one reason why o many applicants for innuranre are rejected re-jected is because kidney trouble is common to the American people, and the larpe majority of those whose applications applica-tions are declined do not even suspect that they have the disease. It is on aal at all drug stores in bottles of two sires, medium and large. ' However, if you wish first to tept thit (rreat preparation send ten cents to lr. Kilmer & Co., Itinphamton, N, Y.f for sample bottle. When writing be snr) and mention this paper. Adv. When Vour Eyes Need Care i Try Murine Eye Remedy , fo Hma.rtlrf Jack Wjt Comfort. SO rn t M IfmBg.iUi or BJa.lL Writ for tree Hre Book. LiUK ILVJC F KM IP! CO.,CilICAV9 |