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Show Mr. and Mrs. Italph Lemon. Mr. and Mrs. George Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. lturnhani. motored tip into in-to P.eaver canyon Sunday for a day's outing. The Shoptnens' ball team wont over ov-er to Beaver Friday to nlay the Beaver Bea-ver nine. MPford won. score 1S to 22. The visitors stayed for (he dance at Beaver Unit evening. llarrv Larson and l-'av itw-lunan went to Salt Lake last Wednesday night, whore Mr. l-ar-on bought a one ton asb true':. Mr lliektnan drove the car liotee p-H-hing here Saturdnv noon. Stan Tallersnll js taking his vacation va-cation .and is at Puffer Lake fishing Ezra Barton is driving the night stage to lleavor in bis nlaeo, while j Fa y Ilieluian i - lakine the letter's 1 place oarrving the mail. j O. B. Back. Jr. of San Db-iio. was in Milford on Thursday. W. .7. Baker and M. F. linker of Beaver were taking in the sights of Milford last Sal nrday. j Miss Anna !Vnl"V of Barowan was in Milford on Tuesday, j C C. Orlob and .1. II. Koberts or 1 Salt Lai-., wr-i-r. hero this past week. .1. A Ineols oar old !' -1 1 o w I o tis-nmn tis-nmn was with us arain on Snnd,i-.-. ;-(.rr" V.'il-ou of I'arl; city came 1 to Miltoi-d on let -iness this past ... ....I. .1, I!. Strickland ami lr Gibson. .,f 1'. jve- at" le f" lodav in tin- Interest In-terest of a County Koiirlh of .Inly I r. -p-1, ration to be lodd in It. -aver Mi- 1,, 1 rr , K , -1- ,a -. 'M tbroui'll " : '.. -'1 la t ' etc .-ii e to V.-,M, She had In en vi i t i i , t - with her mother. moth-er. Mr-, l-'ot berint'lia in at Beaver ' j I I. p. ! rl i ii 1- i-i- ret ii rie-d to MiKopl T'le.i'av ba'-inr a'tend.-d tlie v.. dding if 11. r- i i.-r ;: I ::' borne I'.-ter V. j.: :;i-r npdiriel.ir of the M or,,, , ' nd ' la t !' - Hepa ir S! nil v a is. S'-iil Bal e h f'f-1 or the veil; i,r p 1 a j- .mP.i 1. ( of Ii i , CV'T i n i-r'-a L ; ji hn ;- le '- : |