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Show NOTICE FOR PVYLTCATTOX , .,,,.(, ,.et of (lie T'-trier, t". S Land Oflii-e at Pap T.alte City, Utah August 2, 1919 Notice is hereby given that TV ward A. Envoi, of Los Ange'se "-' p'omia. wl,,. on '-"etember 13. in.' made Homestead Er.t-'-. Seria1 No for S 1-2. Cect'on :'1. To v- j kin 25 South. J'nnge 9 West. Sal' Lahe Arnri-Iian. has filed notice e' : intention to make fiyo-voar Proof ; to establi.-h claim to the land ahoy.-de'-cribe-L bef.re Herbert Nichon i". S. Commissionner. at ATilford. T't i ah. on the loth dv of September : 1919. ' ' Claimant names as witnec--e TL T. Kaminska. R. E, Kaminska , Bert Rvssman. Ed Drvden. all of All' ford. Utah. norm B. BT.AKLEV. Rerri.-;,-!-Fir-t T'-ib!ishe,l Augus' 6. 1919 Last Publication Sept. 3. 1919 |