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Show , (JOVKKXMKXT HORDS When the government's investigator investiga-tor began to rake Salt Lake for hoarded food he found a thousand cans of tomatoes in one of the first warehouses he visited. "It belongs to the government," said the warehouseman. The federal agent laughed. "We are not looking for it." he said. , As he continued his quest he discovered dis-covered other government foodsuffs r,no quarters of beef and more can ned goods. The goods had been in storage for months and no requisition had been made upon them by the army. What is the explanation? It is fairly certain that the Govern ment had forgotten about the goods. While we talk of shipping in goods from points a thousand miles away stores of government goods can be obtained in our own warehouses and placed on sale. The government has been storing goods in scores of towns throughout ; the land and the signs are that Wash ; ngton has lost trace of many of these ' stocks. , Why not sell the government goods ' we have on hand and thus save transportation trans-portation charges? |