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Show A Complete Jewelry Store Known for Service Famous for Quality Easy Prices BOYD PARK MAKERS OF JEWELRY 6 MAIN STREET SALT LAKE OTT Business Courses Stenography Bookkeeping Dictaphone Typewriting Civil Service Posting Machine L. D. S. Business College Salt Lake City, Utah Day and Evening All the Year Typewriters JUll makes Rented, Repaired, Sold. Write for price-$7.50 to $100. Utah Office and School Supply 32 W. 2nd South, Salt Lake City, Utah GOOD LAND at $25 PER ACRE This offer may last only a few days. Two 80 . acre tracts, one fenced, in pumpine district, unimproved: land sandy loam. Excellent sugar beets and alfalfa on adjacent farms under pump. Plenty of water 10 feet under ground. 1 No drought, no loss, no worry. Ideal method of farming. Own your own land and water ; success assured. Easy terms. Write today for particulars. I Jorgenson & Company, Milford, Utah. 1 COULD NOT SLEEP! Mr. Schleusner in Misery From Kidney Complaint. Doan's Cave Complete Relief. "Heavy work brought on my kidney 1 complaint' says Win. icbleuner, t40S . Suburban Ave., Wellston, Mo. "One morning when shoeing a horse I was ! taken with a sudden pain in my back j and fell flat on the door. If I had been hit with a trip ham- j nitr, I couldn't have suf- I fereoV more. 1 t:ayed in I the house for five weeks ! and the pain was wearing the life out of me. At times, I couldn't pet a wink of sleep because o the misery and 1 had to get i;p every few moments m c ir t pass the secretions that Mr. Schleusner were highly coioredi of . foul odor, filled with sandy sediment and terribly scalding. My bladder felt as though it were afire. The pain j brought stupor and a reeling sensation in my head;, the torture of it cannot be described. If I got onto mv feet I couldn't walk but felt dizzy and all in a flutter and everything would tun black. My head ached so it seemed as though my eyes were being dragged out. I started using Doan's Kidney Pills and I was soon rid of all the trouble." Subsci'ibed and sworn to before me. C. R. COGOTCSHATL, Xotary PuSc. ! Get Doan'i tt Any Store, 60c a Box DOAN'S KTLNifsv i FOSTER-MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. I I . 1 j ; GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER In the good old summer time when fruits of all kinds are getting ripe and tempting, when cucumbers, radishes rad-ishes and vegetables fresh from the garden are too good to resist, when the festive picnic prevails and. -everybody overeats and your stomach goes back on you, then is the time for "August Flower," the sovereign remedy for tired, overworked and disordered stom-acl.s, stom-acl.s, a panacea for Indigestion, fermentation fer-mentation of food, sour stomach, sick i.eadach; and constipation. Tt gently rtimulates the liver, cleanses the intestines in-testines and alimentary canal, making life worth living. Sold everywhere. Adv. THE JOY OF MOTHERHOOD Came to this Woman after Taking Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound to Restore Her Health Ellensburg, Wash. " After I wu married 1 was not well for a long time i , and a good deal of ; lillllllliyillllll oVo I 4'J Our greatest desire i I irJ was to have a child j K '' "jL in our home and one I ft If day my husband : llllllll -?T5 jl came back from i L town with a bottle j t'llllll of Lydia E. Pink- - ham's Vegetable i" Compound and wanted me to try it. It brought relief 1 from my troubles. I improved in health so I could do my housework; we now have a little one, all of which I owe to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. O. S. Johnson, R. No. 3, Ellensburg, Wash. There are women everywhere who long for children in their homes yet are denied this happiness on account of some functional disorder which in most I cases would readily yield to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I Such women should not give up hope I until they have given this wonderful medicine a trial, and for special advice write Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. The result of 40 years experience is at your service. Texas Oils OMost established brokers In Kort Worth. Reference nny bank or bankers here. Free Weekly .Market Letter published each Sat. Gives details all oil develop. In Tex. oil llelds. Write for free copv to Ben O. Smith & Son. 302 Club Bids'., Ft. Worth, Tex. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 35-1919. Cuticura Soothes Baby Rashes. That itch and burn with hot baths of Cuticura Soap followed by gentle anointings of Cuticura Ointment. Nothing better, purer, sweeter, especially espe-cially if a little of the fragrant Cuticura Cuti-cura Talcum is dusted on at the finish. fin-ish. 25c each everywhere. Adv. will buy a big package of FOSTUM Cereal weighing over a pound, net What are you paying for coffee ? |