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Show u EXCELLENT TRAINING FOR STUDENTS THE decision of the County Board of Education to provide the room and to give every encouragement possible to the proposed course in telegraphy in the high school places the county high school in an advanced position among the public schools of Utah in the departments de-partments of vocational training. Several Sev-eral high schools offer domestic science and manual training, but Milford has the first public institution in the State to offer to its students a course in telegraphy. teleg-raphy. The course is valuable in itself, but it is also valuable as teaching concentration con-centration of thought and how to study. Many pupils in the public schools do not. really learn how to study until they have passed the second or third year in high school.- They cannot concentrate their thoughts upon their work. In telegraphy they must concentrate. The course also is excellent for improvement improve-ment .in typewriting, business forms "and penmanship and in spelling. The . addition of telegraphy to the high school course is something worth while and should be a popular branch of training train-ing in our growing and excellent institution insti-tution of learning. |