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Show BABY FRETFUL, RESTLESS? Look to this cause When your baby fusses, tosses anj seems unuble to sleep restfully, look for one common cause, doctors say. Constipation. To get rid quickly of ) the accumulated wastes which cause I restlessness and discomfort, give a cleansing dose of Castoria. Castorla, you know, Is made specially for children's delicate needs. It is a pure vegetable preparation ; contains no harsh drugs, no narcotics. It Is so mild and gentle you can give It to a young infant to relieve colic. Yet it Is us effective for older children. Cas- i torla's regulative help will bring re- j laxod comfort and restful sleep to I your baby. Keep a bottle on hand. Genuine Castoria always has the name: i CASTORIA Stiff, Acting, Sore! J Get quick relief p N this simple way Here's the way to re- p v lieve painful lumbago 9 i:;: without blistering or i' l f burning. Rub on good ,V?v 0i(j St. Jacobs Oil. r V$ ' Quickly it draws out Kv J inflammation and pain, pJ Wonderful relief comes -4 S ...in a minute I St. Jacobs Oil is just the remedy for aches and pains of Rheumatism, Neuritis, Lumbago, Lum-bago, Backache, Neuralgia and sore, swollen Joints. Get a small bottle from your druggist. At first sism of a cold, take tit ff SfTs NATURE'S REMEDY the lax- 8 r tQ J fttive that thoroughly cleans & M - v- your intestines. It ia the one 3 M 'fci onick way to got relief and S ,nir ttunrd your health. Mild. TOMIOHl safe, purely vegetable, TO-M0RJUW pleasant 25c ALRIGHT The All-Vegetable Laxative 7 xja Is Your Rest Disturbed? Deal Promptly with Bladder Irregularities Heed promptly bladder irregularities, ir-regularities, burning, scanty and too frequent passage and getting up at night. They may warn of some disordered kidney or bladder condition. Try Doan's Pills. No other advertised adver-tised diuretic is so widely used. None so well recommended. R Get Doan's today. (bPiIls A DIURETIC fofi FTii PARKER'S Etg HAIR BALSAM til s--- . Removed Dandruff-Stops Hair Falling rwY-'i -j Impart Color and .Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair K'VY; -f f:zA 60c and 11.00 at UraKRista. K.s.' -y ffmwi. Cim. WkJ..Pnt,-i.-ue.N-Y. FLOKESTON SHAMPOO Ideal for use in connection with Parker BHiwrBalsam.Makea the hair soft and llutVy. bi rents by mail oratdrup-gista. oratdrup-gista. Hiscos Chemical Works. Patchogue, N.Y. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 12-1932. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm John 's Mother Praises Doctor There Isn't a moth-1 -s er living who won't agree that no half- 4ss- sick child should be f ,jj the subject for an experiment with .4 medicines of uncer- T",' tain merit. When your child Is bilious, : headachy, half-sick, feverish, restless, rest-less, with coated tongue, bad breath, no appetite or energy, you know that nine times out of ten It's a sign his little stomach and bowels need purging. purg-ing. And when you know that for over fifty years leading physicians have endorsed one preparation for this condition, there doesn't seem to be any reason for "trying" things. Rich, fruity California Fig Syrup clears the little stomach and bowel9 gently, harmlessly and In a hurry. It regulates the bowels, gives tone and strength to them and to the stomach; and helps to give your child new strength, energy and vitality. Thousands Thou-sands of Western mothers praise It. Mrs. Joseph W. mil, -1306 Bedford Ave., Omaha, Nebraska, says: "I'll never forget the doctor who got ma to give my baby boy, John, California Fig Syrup. Nothing else seemed to help his weak bowels. That was when he was just a baby. He suffered suf-fered a good deal before I gave him Fig Syrup, but it stopped his trouble quick. I have used it with him for colds and little upset spells ever since. I consider him a Fig Syrup boy." Insist on the genuine article. See that the carton bears the word "California." "Cali-fornia." Over four million bottles used a year. Young BODIES aDEMAND THB bodies of all growing children require certain essential vitamins. Important among these are Vitamins A and D, Mi0-3r both of which are found abundantly in Scott's Emulsion of fflB,H;Sp;3 Cod Liver Oil. "A" helps youngsters and their parents, as T f-T-f well resist common colds-in-the-hcad. "D" aids children in "r' ' ' "V3 growth and in the devclopmcnt.-of bones and teeth. In this ?l'I'i emulsified form, cod liver oil is easy and pleasant for young ( t 3 and old to take. Scott & Bowne, Bloomfield, N. J. Sales Rcpre-JE,'i Rcpre-JE,'i ' sentative, Harold F. Ritchie & Co., Inc., New York. LAw- Listen to the Scott & Bourne radio program "Adventuring with Count m1 von Luekner," on Sunday night at 7:30 p. m. over the Columbia Coast-to-Coast Network and Statione KDYL Salt Lake City and KLZ Denver "vy1 r r"-' U'-r; ''M "a T is not necessary to give-m , 4 " 4 to headaches. It is just a bit old- ' ' ' ' fashioned 1 The modern woman who ( " 4 feels a headache coming on at any ' ' ' A y time, takes some tablets of Bayer 4 Aspirin and heads it off. v " f Keep Bayer Aspirin handy, and ' ' keep your engagements. Headaches, systemic pains, come at inconven- I mmmummtmtA - m,itm ient times. So do colds. You can end . , .mi ot 'i them before they're fairly started if T F$ real asp'n"yU ' f.J . you'll only remember tnis handy ehef- .i nSSfn HiiXn! harmless form of relief. Carry it B?yettabletarT-S?-w? WKT roerXtoot?adcneC,henScu?aa plereha7C?heaTh?,e sciaUca' -matism, ftc nagging aches that bring a case of The tablets stamped Bayer won't "nerves" by day are ended in a fail you, and can't harm you. They iiffy. Pains that once kept people don't depress the heart. They don't come are forgotten half an hour upset the stomach. So take them after taking Bayer Aspirin I You'll whenever you need them, and take find these tablets always help. If enough to end the pain. h |