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Show affi OF A WEEK III ICOIEHSEDFOl RECORD OF THE IMPORTANT KVENTS TOLD IN BRIEFEST MANNER POSSIBLE Happenings That Are Making History Information Gathered from all Quarters of the Globe and Given In a Few Lines WESTERN An earthquake, varying in intensity inten-sity in different localities, shook northern California shortly after 1 a. m. Monday, according to reports received by the local weather bureau. It was felt lightly in San Francisco the weather bureau learned, ttie time there being recorded at 1 :07 u. m. It semed to onsist of throe shocks. The bodies of 400 Chinese wtt died in the Eastern part of the United Uni-ted States and whose friends and relatives are sending to China for burial arrived at Los Angeles aboard the British steamer Estlier Dollar which is to sail to the Orient. Four deaths have occured at Portland from sleeping sickness since January 1st, the city health bureau bu-reau announced. A log house on wheels, to give the nation a glimpse of the big timber or the northwest is expected to I'a.e Hoquinm, Wash., in the spring for a tour of the United States. WASHINGTON Immediate abolition of the UniteC States shipping b ard and the Emer gency Fleet corpwullon and the transfer of their duties to the commerce com-merce department was advocated by Senas ir King, Utan, during an address ad-dress in the senate. The annual naval appropriations bill, which includes a request by congress that ! President Harding. negotiate ne-gotiate with the other powers for flurther limitation of naval erma-inen, erma-inen, was signed by the President Secretary Denny -told the . house naval committee that lie would support sup-port a bill offered by Representative MacLnfrery, of California, authorizing authoriz-ing the navy to accept as a gift 5340 acres of land at Alauieda, Calif., as a site for a naval base.'j A proposition tor legislation authorizing au-thorizing Immediate return to their owners of all trusts held by the alien al-ien property custodian was rejected ty the house commerce committee. Concurrence by the senate in the house appropriation of $5(1,5811,000 for river and harbor maintenance and improvement when the senate commerce committee voted 8 to 2 to stand by the house figure. The supreme court affirmed the decision of the Nebraska supreme court in a case brought by the Peters rust company of Omaha against ouglas county, Nebraska, that no deductions are allowed in computing the state tax on capital stock of banks, loan and trust companies and smllar organizations. The Boise and Minidoka projects have been reineSented before tne public irrigation commitTee nt hearings hear-ings in progress the last few days Texas rangers joined local authorities author-ities in efforts to solve the mystery of the oeath of W. E. Iloii, and Mrs. lit he! Denecarap, whose bodies were found side by side in a lonely road near Waco. Three federal prohibition enforcement enforce-ment officers are defendants in a iamape suit fileu in the Third district dis-trict court at Salt Lake ,uy by Jas. IS. U'wIr, who alleges that $535 was len from him hone during an illegal il-legal search for liquor. Floyd Sandusky, 10-year-old lad, shot his father, Charles Sandusky, five times while tney were on the Short Line train near McCammon. Three of the bullets struck the fa-their fa-their in the head and two In the bi:dy. It; sponsfbillty for the wreck on the Southern Pacific nt Humble, Texas, on December 13, in which 22 persons were killed and 11 Injured was placed plac-ed Saturday by Interstate commerce commission inspectors upon J. IL Smith, engine watchman. . Orders for the suspension of Thea Schweitzer, general intermountatn prohibition director, were issued' following fol-lowing an investigation of Schweitzer Schweitz-er s office nt Salt 1-ak-?. GENERAL United States marshals arrested tiij:h offlciuls of Gary, lnd Including Includ-ing the mayor, sheriff and other Jaw enforcement oficers on charges of violnt'on of the prohibition laws. Seventy-five were tnken into cus-ti'd cus-ti'd 'y under Indictments returned at Indiunopolls. . Hreenwlch Village, heart of Bohemia, Bohem-ia, is to be "cleaned up," the police announced when a dozen girls wbe i.ies ranged from 13 to 22 years, and ns many university and high school l-oys and youthful clerks were ur-r.-in'.-od In court on charges of violating violat-ing the state prohibition law. Four workmen were killed and six Inliirnd when a two-stry dwelling n.ilai Bed at Plttrfhnrg. ' n the bill to extend the time for payment of construction caarges on Irrigation projects for two years from December 1st, 1022. Half of the farm credits program was completed by the senate Friday when it passed the Cappr bill prodding pro-dding for cooperative credit associations associa-tions and other measures for long time loans to farmers. Throngh Inquiry into the banking connections of James G. ALcNary of Las Vegas, N, &i. nominated by presl-flut presl-flut llarulag to be comptroller of the currency waa decided upon by the senate banking committee. The legislative appropriation bill, the lust of the annual supply measures, meas-ures, was report 1 Friday to the house, carrying fl'AliO VJ70, a reduction reduc-tion under last year's appropriation of $205,032 and a sinsh In the budget estimate of ILOXl.sia. Opposition of the Union Taclflc railroad to continued control of the Central Pacific system by the Southern South-ern Pacific was conditionally with- 1 drawn during argum -nts in the case before the interstate commerce com-Mission. com-Mission. FOREIGN Upward of 450 men of the American Ameri-can forces ' In ' Cermnny , have been married with permission ' a'nvc January, Jan-uary, 10-2. At that lime there were about 10,000 American troops in the occupation rone. An antitrust law, cstahlhunent of s government-owned pacKtn plant and regulations to control all the operations oper-ations of the Argentine meat industry, indus-try, are proposal in a presidential massage sent to congress. German miners throughout the Itnhr Alondny carried out their strike threat and refused to work. Mints that supply a considerable part ol all Germany's fuel supply were Idle General Alnrto Fener, who reached Havana recently with Colonel Luis Piilacios, took occasion to assert The Morning Aline, at Mullan, Idaho, Ida-ho, ine of the largont of northern Muho. la afire, and reporta , received n;M tbst two men are dead. Officials ft the mine on the long dlutunce tel-e-4ine, while admitting that the i'i ne is afire, refused to confirm the ri rts of deaths. The Iowa house passed unanimous - !h- Joint resolution culling for on f jjicn imeht to the Iowa conatitutlon v tJ' h would permit womon to e-Vore e-Vore morabhrs of the -state Wglsla-fin-e. All five defendants In the Herrln r'ota trial were found not guilty by a jurv of 12 Williamson county farmers t Marlon, 111. W. hnndVed and ninety cases of rjf whisky, valued at approximately -r,.iK)0 at bootleg prlcea, were seized ty police at Birmingham, Ala. Ti e Wy, a car lot waa consigned to A)n Angolea drug firm, The will of the: late John Wana-m!.er, Wana-m!.er, leaves the bulk of his estate .i m inhere of the Wanamaker family, fam-ily, and provides eubstantlal aums for on puropses and for charity. Th Italian steamship Glnatppe W.'if wirelessed her owners at New Icrk, that she Inid rescued at e- ths entire crew of the Italian freighter freight-er Montello. The Montello waa reported re-ported sinking. Howard B. Jackson, one of the ht know.i members of the Chicago I I'oard of Trade was killed by an au- ! tomo'.ile in front of his home. one hundred officers, at Denver, nopfd down on bootleegers, and f .s-.ed more than 30 allegel vlo-; vlo-; I .tors of the liquor law, Saturday. that reports frun Mexico City thut he hail been killed by federal troops during the lust rebel uprising In Oxa-aca Oxa-aca were untrue. Paris iolice be'ieve that Allle, Ormalne Bentin, who Kliot Alartus 1'U.tenu, French odlt , Tuesday, was Implicated in lost year's bomb attack at-tack upon American wu.rfLssador Her-lick. Her-lick. , Y ' A party of national troops was ambushed am-bushed at DtiM n, It -waa offMally announced. an-nounced. Bombs were thrown but no casjalltles resulted. Two of the DssallcnU wre captured. Oenersl Humberto Serrato of the Mexican army waa shot and' killed at Ias Oucea hy kJa'utensot Gabriel Haro of his pornenst staff, according to reports. . , ; Frit Thyssn, coal and Iron magnate, mag-nate, and four directors of Ruhr : ralnca were arrested at Bredeney and taken ti Ins:ldorf for arraignment before a Fronch military tribunal Thoy are accused ef refusing to obey the Franvo-K-ilrt'in-ltaran Industrial oommlslon and obstructing Frencn activities ca the rthlnelsnd. The shipping board freighter Pat-rid; Pat-rid; Herry, which struck a reef January Jan-uary lfl, has arrived at Alanlla. wltn a huge hle In h hull. About 200 ten of crgo were thrown overboard to float ber off the reef, Beccnse the port police discovered twenty five Italians, 1'ortugueaei and Spaniards crowded Into his gasoline cruiser without pssports, but with the f'rm lutentlon of entering the t'nltjd States, Jose Vinr. of Davana, Cu' n, has been fined $1000. |