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Show Caesar Robbiano met with ah accident at ,.the U. S. Mining pompany's property this week, a fall of -ground-badly lacerating liis face; I He was attended to by pr. Paul Richards. ' - . County Sheriff Ben Harries and Deputy Sheriff George iJCnepp were Bingham" visitors on Wednesday, escorted; by Chief Deputy Ade Heaston. .of J3ingham they - visited the dif-iferent dif-iferent business houses of Copperfield Cop-perfield and Highland Boy districts dis-tricts and have ordered the removal re-moval of all punch boards "and lot machines. ' ! FIAPPENINGS IN AND "AROUND , BINGHAM . ' 'Harry Rowland of Lark was in camp pn Monday . last, investigating investi-gating a mining proposition., . jN.- Edftolm of the Utah Vholcsale Grocery' Co. was' in camp on Wednesday and reports excellent business. : George W. Duffy of The Security Se-curity Benefit Association of Topeka, Kansas was a business visitor to Bingham Thursday. Roy Hardy son of Mr. and Mrs: Jim Hardy is one of the most efficient radio fans of the camp. He is a young, and en-tusiastic en-tusiastic electrician. News was received the past ween oi tne deatn ot Uarl Snyder, Sny-der, at -Miami, Arizona, Mr Snyder was a former resident of Bingham. engineer of the Utah Power And Light Co. of Salt Lake City was a business visitor to camp the past week. " ; Jim Whitaker of Blue Point cigar fame was a business visitor. visi-tor. Mr. Whitaker is one of Salt Lake's most agreeable business men. - , Marshal Frank Thompson returned re-turned to camp on Monday after assisting. United States Deputy Marshal "Cap" Smith to ?take several federal prisoners to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. L. N. Phillips, who has been confined to the Bingham Hospital Hos-pital with a broken ankle is once more on the streets, Mr Phillips home is at Salt Lake City and he is a popular Oddfellow. General Manager Pett, of the Bingham Mines Co. also director of the Montana Bingham Mining Min-ing Company's properties was a visitor to camp on Tuesday. He was accompanied by Frank Arnold Ar-nold of Salt Lake. Ed. Zwickey of the Gibson Commercial Co of Salt Lake City was a business visitor to camp this week. MrJ Zwickey was a former resident of camp and has a large number of friends here. Barney Walsh returned from his prospect at Ophir the past week and reports mining conditions condi-tions there to be excellent. Mr. Walsh is still operating a lease at the Starless property. Dr. H N. Cain returned from Kentucky the past week where he has been taking a post graduate grad-uate course. Doctor Frazier who has been working strenuously since Dr. Cain's absence was pleased to see him return. |