Show PERSONALS AND LITTLE LOCALS LOCALS 1 And the next day dav It sno sno rd It Il is to be hoped schools will soon Boon resume The My Myton ton Town board will meet next Dext Tuesday night s 1 Many Uintah basin women are arc adopting French war orphans S Many county Socialists voted tho the Democratic ticket last Tuesday George H. H Jones and Miss Helen Mooney dooney of Helper were recently married A batch of pipe for the Roosevelt water works passed through My Myton ton this this week The average yield a of grain In the Duchesne bottoms is quite satisfactory satisfactory tory this year The sugar allowance has hae been In Increased increased In- In creased from two to three pounds per person per month Lyle Krebs of Ioka loka who has been en enon on the outside for sOme some time Is shaking shah shak hakIng ing hands with friends Miss Gwen Meranda t from Magna after having gone through a n siege of Influenza Carbon county will send mento mento men mento to Camp Lewis during rhe the five fire da day I period beginning November r h Dr Zimmerman defeated J. J G. G Greaves for justice a of the peace Inthe Jn In the Duchesne precinct by six votes Utah's average of rejections In training camps Is Ie 64 54 per cent as aa Against 76 per cent the national average 1 Mr and Mrs Le Grande Young Young have returned to Salt Lake after havIng having having hav hav- ing visited friends and relatives Inthe inthe In Inthe the county Mrs Kate Calvert Kingsland Is inthe Inthe in inthe the government service and may be transferred from Salt Lake to some point in California The Town of My Myton ton has received on nn instrument used for locating leaks in the water pipes It works something something some some- thing like a telephone Ralph Walker writes from Camp Lewis that all tho the boys are getting along well and that they enjoy readIng readIng reading read- read Ing the My Myton ton Free Press Yesterday November 6 was observed observed observed ob ob- served as a day of prayer throughout through through- out the United States for the abatement abatement abate abate- ment went of Spanish influenza r William WilHam Michael and family of Grace Idaho are locating in My Myton ton for tor the tho winter Mr Michael has purchased land In the sec sec- Ion tion A good picture of Calvert Clarke was published In the Salt L Lake ke Tribune Tribune Tribune Tri Tri- bune a a. a few days ago go Calvert is with witha a Machine Gun battalion In France n War stamps this month are costing Next month they will be higher Better buy now Keep your pledge These stamps will be worth 5 in 1923 The Spanish influenza seems t to be abating thanks to the hard work and precautionary methods of r Dr Enochs Enoche who has been been on n the go al almost almost almost al- al most night and day Joseph Holder Republican was elected Justice of the peace In theMy the My Myton ton precinct His majority over I I. I R. R Tuttle Democrat was l 15 John X Palmer was elected constable He had no opposition One thousand colonies of bees am to be Installed in the and Redcap sections next spring Beemen Beemen Bee Beemen men de declare claro there thero will be bo pasture enough next year for colonies in this thin county V C. C C. C Brown Drown of has made application for service in the tIle motor corps Ho expects soon to go goto goto goto to Camp Fort Sam Houston I Mr Brown Drown has had much experience along that line of work The Tho Myton Mylon Judges fudges of election were H. H C. C Ward 3 J. J E. E Holder and W. W WE E. E Broome Their task was no noso not so arduous as usual Only votes were cyst cist Two Two years ago there were The falling off oft Is duo due to several sever sever- al things Many ny voters are aro gone to tc the tho war var and the shipyards The Tho new law prohibiting the hauling of voters vot rot ers era to th the polls was in effect people were were afraid of the tho Influenza I I All three Alexander boys who I died recently near Roosevelt were well Insured One had taken out tho the insurance only a few weeks ago and hIs policy had not nol yet been delivered to him I o D oThe The body of the Tabiona Indian who died in Salt Lake was brought In by W W. E. E Burial Burlar was vas at Tabiona Mention of the death is I made by the Tabiona correspondent this week l The report of the serious Illness of Harold Knudsen at Salt SaIt Lake was highly e. e exaggerated When last heard from he was working for a B railway company either In or near Salt Lake while out of school If It Wm Lloyd of does not look out he will be robbed of his laurels won as a raiser of ot prize sheep Recently A. A B. B Atwood of Hanna j I killed a seventeen-months seventeen old lamb t which weighed pounds When the epidemic of Spanish Influenza in influenza influenza In- In was at its worst around Wash WashIng Washing Washing ing Mrs D D. L. L Carmody Carmod formerly of f My Myton ton offered her services as nurse at Camp Humphrey She Sho has since r been offered a permanent position f t There are more more more-cas cases S of Influenza 1 In two families in My Myton ton than In all t the rest of the families put to to- to gether Nine in the Lisonbee family and seven in the family All are arc doing nicely and will soon be out lOUt Private Ruben Hancock whose home is near Roosevelt was shot through the hand recently while fighting Germans on the western front Clarence Betts Belts was shot through the arm Both are getting along well The price of at turkeys will be higher this his fall and winter than for years The reasons are many Feed costs more and here is a scarcity of the birds In Texas Thousands of Uintah Uin- Uin ah tah basin turkeys are being shipped to o France I. I The report comes from Vernal that both Dr ODonnell O'Donnell and Dr Franke I have been very ill Th The two of them I have been making a hard fight to conquer Influenza in the Ashley valey valley val val- ley ey and they are perhaps overworked overwork overwork- ed in addition to being ill John E. E Boyer with the New York Life Life had a telegram from his homen home In n Salt Lake stating that his wife was ver very ill He hastened to her bed bed- sl side aide e. e Mrs Boyer was formerly Miss 1 Lorna Jorna Burton daughter of Mr 1 and Mrs Wm Burton of or Vernal An effort will be made to establish a school next year In the neighborhood neighborhood neighborhood neighbor neighbor- hood of the Cook and Hirth ranches five miles above town There are axe at least 30 children of school age up there and they must either come to Myton 1 or go to Antelope which Is about five miles Alva Dart in the Aero service over there was good enough to send us a copy of the Stars and nd Stripes an eight page pane seven column aper aper the official or organ an of the American Expeditionary Forces The Tho paper raper Is published weekly bv by and for fOl soldiers o o the American n army The price of the paper Is 4 per ye year Mr Ir and Mrs Harry Dubenstein who have haye been at Duchesne for some sonic time will spend the winter In Provo Mr Dubenstein is a surveyor survey survey- or for the Reclamation department and has been Investigating the feasibility feasibility feasibility of the Castle Peak 1 eak project His report as was announced some time ago will be published shed in the near future Miss Grace Van Wagoner 23 years of age an employee of the Bank Dank of Heber City died In Hober Heber of Spanish Influenza Miss Van Wagoner was born at Midway and had resided there during the greater part of her lien life Miss Van Wagoner Is survived ed by her parents Mr and Mrs John Van Wagoner six brothers and six sisters One o of the brothers Is William William Wil Wil- liam L. L Van Wagoner former state representative My Myton ton went over tho the top lop on the the United War work fund In that t or four hours last Saturday Bishop Fred S. S Musser 1 chairman of tho the soliciting committee did the work worle The quota was The money Is Isto isto to be distributed equally among the Y Y M. M C. C A A. the tho Salvation Army tho the Knights of Columbus the Library I association The total to be raised in the nation is U The campaign will last until November 11 rONi I i F DUCHESNE COUNTY UT UTA N. N II fl Murdock prominent sheep sheep- man man 34 years of of age died In Heber November 1 of heart failure Mr Murdock was the ser of M M- M Mand and aed Mrs rs W. W M. M Murdock 1 and in addition addition addition addi addi- tion to them is survived by a widow and four children one ono brother and four sisters Funeral services will willbe willbe be held Sunday The Tho Farmers Wife a avell well vell known publication In Its Issue for November printed a splendid picture of Mrs Gertrude Bonnin tn of Fort Du Du- Du- Du chesne Mrs Bonnin Is secretary of the tho Society of American Indians says in an Interview that her people are selling their exquisite bead work and lace for Red Cross funds and prove their loyalty to the United States In many ways Largely attended funeral services were held at the Heber City cemetery for private Arthur Ivle who died of Ia at Camp Lewis October 26 bishop Bennett Lindsay presided presided ed at the services and several addresses addresses addresses ad ad- dresses were made Private Ivie vIe loft l ft Heber for the training camp September Septem Septem- ber ber ber 1 1 Ho He was born In Heber and was 28 years of age He was the son of Mr and Mrs David M. M Ivle One brother David Ivle Ivie Is with the American forces in France Franco and another another another an an- other brother Elmer is In training at Camp Lewis The latter brought the body home v el o D |