Show t Bird With H Hands In the forests of British Guiana lives Ives the a u singular bird whoso young oun possess a n free claw at the end of oC each wIn wing which they use almost as tile the monkey uses his hands in tree climbing I The nest of the Is In a tree true overhanging the water and the young unlike most birds are ure active from the first The Tho outermost quill feathers of the tile wing which might hamper the free uso use of the tIle claws s do not grow much until the rest of or the tho wing is strong enough to mul make e climbing lc less s necessary Then they grow out and the claws are ale nb nb- The adult bir bird docs does not need them Should n a young oung fall fal into the water It t makes for tOl the shore and seizes oI a n branch up which It quickly quick quick- ly 11 climbs I I ff j |