Show 1 LIBERTY nTY LOAN OVER TOP l' l t. t BY NEARLY BILLION DOLLARS Despite peace talk and Influenza American citizens have responded for a a. fourth time to the governments government's governments government's governments government's govern govern- ments ment's appeal for war loans with more than was asked Total subscriptions sub sub- of from more than individuals is the tho record of the fourth Liberty loan as announced by the treasury based on careful estimates by the twelve federal reserve banks The entire tion will be bo accepted and applied to reducing the lute size of the fifth loan to Ita be offered In the spring Final figures may send the fourth loan even higher Owing t to long delay by banks In tabulating their pledges reserve banks were Instructed Instruct Instruct- ed by the treasury to report conservative conservative conservative conser conser- estimates of their sales and subscribers making these too low rather than too high For this reason reason reason rea rea- son some somo revision of the totals will willbe willbe be made within a a. week or ten days All districts reported ranging from 26 per cent for Ifor Boston Doston to a little less than 6 G per percent percent percent cent cent for San Francisco The aggregate aggra- aggra gate was 1444 per pcr cent |