Show i Spaulding S Jerseys S Reg Roll Roil Collar V Neck Front Button No 15 P Navy Maroon or Black Blank No 14 P 2 75 ry No 12 PV No 12 No 10 P f No 10 P PW PW w S No TO 10 CP CF CP With combination colors REMEMBER our big line of Mackinaws Sweaters Caps Toques Motor Sets and everything for cold weather I IJ J C CA c. c Calvert 9 Waugh PS P- P S Co Co 5 Headquarters for Everything NOTICE FOIL FOU l PUBLICATION Department of or the Interior U. U S. S Land Office at Vernal Utah October October Octo Octo- ber 8 1917 Notice Is hereby given that Moroni Leetham of My Myton ton Utah who on June Juno 8 1915 made Homestead Entry Enry En- En I En-I try ry Serial No for tor Lot 1 and anell SE SEA SE NE NEU Section 1 Township 4 South Range 2 West Uinta Special Meridian has filed notice of intention to o make commutation Proof to establish establish es- es claim to the land above dE de- de scribed before Edward Mackie Mackle U. U S. S Commissioner at Duchesne Utah on the he day of at November 1917 Claimant names as William T. T Leetham of R R. E. E Miller of at My Myton ton Utah Ben Den Maddox of My Myton ton U Utah WilliamJ Wil Mathews of or My Myton ton Utah I PETER HANSON Register Oct 11 Nov 8 WANT T rr ADS AOS 1 I have haTe some Olle loner Ion time thue mone money I Ican Ican Ican can loan on 8 loans Joans I If Ift you want some of ot this call and get details R L L. Dart 61 tf Bean Dean Bags for Sale Sale Will buy bUT your beans and se seed d crops Farmers Commission Co Roosevelt Utah U II tIU I ti nu nul t 8 O. O V. V B. B Feed Choppers OUR COUR VERY BEST large medium and small sizes Always ready for use See display at I DAUWALDER HARDWARE AND FURNITURE CO J The Place to Trade LICENSED EMBALMER AND UNDERTAKER My Myton ton Utah II ti t J nit Owing to the delay in delivery delivery delivery de de- de- de livery of materials for their new building the My Myton ton Motor Motor Motor Mo Mo- tor Machine Co will open temporary quarters with C. C R. R Morrison at his garage The company is equipped to handle general automobile repairing also plumbing pipe and pump work Take your grain hides bides and pelts to Cash Feed Store and get the cas cash casa 23 23 U Men Ien Wanted Wanted 20 20 stogie single hands want wanted ed at once by the Farnsworth j Canal and Reservoir company to to work on their reservoirs Wage Wages to Apply Appl to company j at office Mountain Home Hom George I G. G Lindsay Secy 40 4 Lost Tan Lost Tun leather purse 00 biL rest In silver sUver Return to Clarkes Clarke's Hotel Reward Now New tan full hats Myton ton Millinery tf 28 tt 28 J Get et your jour our new lint hat nt at My Myton ton Mil Mil- I U-I livery 28 tf I Furnished room for tor rent See Chas J. J at Fontaine Hotel building 28 15 j For or Sale Sale Nearly Nearly new Six hole steel stCl I range polished top a bargain Al Al- Also Also so cooking and a few tew chairs JWard t J Ward C C. C Ireland 28 j Always in the market for tor cattle caUl Write or call J. J D. D Beavers Myton tf 1 tt ti 1 I Have Jave 10 40 acres of at land near Myton SW SE SEr of or Sec 32 Twp 3 S S. R R. R i 2 W. W Would like to have plowing t done this fall tall Write 0 0 W. W Clark E Exposition Ave Denver Denver Colo I c tt 27 1 t V J J I 1 Set of at Shorthorn Herd Bookie Book for Tor sale Vols 25 to 89 except 32 33 and 42 Also young Shorthorn bulls buUs Jno W W. W Carlile Owner will trade his beat bea seven room rick residence situate in Forest Dale Salt Lake on car line lice for Uintah asin farm property Residence Residence Res nee modern electricity and gas cement walks cho choice e lawn and shrubbery shrub shrubbery bery outbuildings etc Write or orcaU call caU at once Address Princeton Ave Salt Lake City Eyes examined and lenses Watchmaker J 1 1 I. I Mills MUla O. O D. D B. B 0 O. Roosevelt Utah 15 8 16 f fAny An Any one ono knowing kno of ot stock following brands please e notify MUton Mil MU- ton ion Alexander Roosevelt Bar Sev- Sev m n Bar Hat Bar D and Tie Suitable eward reward will wUl be he paid 27 For Sale Sale Registered Jerse Jersey bull year rear old There J is nothing belt belli In state slate J J. J H H. Burns My Myton taD a. a 2 1 BIDS BIDS WANTED WANTED Bids will wm be received d for hauling pounds of flour from frOlD Myton Mylon to o 0 Fort Fort Duchesne and delivering In Nylon from tram Vernal about 15 tons of t coal oal 27 7 Uintah Power Powe Li Light ht Co Mylon Myton D. D i |