Show The Lust to Destroy is Shown in in- Orders of the I. I W. W W. W Treason Trust I r I I I A nationwide plot to paralyze ta- ta In Industries du tries thwart military opera operators tons obstruct conscription ti aud and causal us ll America to lose the war Is divulged in the evidence upon which members mem mem- hers bers of the I. I W. W W. W were wera Indicted In mem-I mem Chicago Wlliam Wiliam D. D Haywood of Chicago international secretary y and treasurer treasur treasur- er and Frank Little who was treasur-I treasur lynched lynch lynch- ed in Butte Mont are alleged to ha have ve been the ringleaders Others frequently mentioned in the Indictments indictments indictments indict indict- ments ar are Ralph H. H Chaplin Richard B a m Wl WI am Jam Jame James Rowan Francis Miller and Charles L. L Lambert About half the indicted men are und under r arrest federal officials stated Search for the others Is being carried on In all parts of the country The indictment which covers forty printed pages alleges offensives offensives offen offen- under under ten specific charges Some of the most startling plans of the I I. I W. W W W. are contained In a a. hook book which Haywood sent to Duluth to be translated Into Finnish for the benefit We are going to take over the Industries some day for three very good reasons Because we need them because we want them and because because be be- cause canse we have ha the power to get them It was declared Hold Bold Justification Not Their Concern Whether we are ethically Justified Justi justl- fied fled or not Is not our concern Is a strike contemplated by the those those most Indispensable of the alimentary trades A quart of kerosene or other greasy and malodorous matter poured or smeared smeared smear smear- ed on the level on an oven and welcome the scabs or scabby soldiers to come and bake the bread Is Is a strike coming in the iron steel copper or other mineral industry In in- A little sand or emery powder powder powder pow pow- der In the tho gear of those machines and they will become useless the tho railroads railroads rail As a means of paralyzing roads the Hay Haywood book suggests that It would be well to choose those workers among the most skilled skill skill- who ed and experienced would by a single stroke disable and andrender andrender nd render useless for tor some days the materials materials ma ma- necessary for tor the regular perI performance performance per per- of ot the service and the ther I movement of trains In a letter Rowan Wrote Haywood from Seattle August 2 t 1917 he be said So The old bugaboo of patriotism its is being preached on all alt sides We have the good will of ot the German people here and we feel that they are In sympathy with our I cause We are going to carry our points If It we have to stop every industry on the Pacific CO cost coat We did not ae- ae de declare clare dare war and we have not consented consent consent- ed to the workingman giving up hla his Hbert liberty and being drafted The newspaper Solidarity on August August August Aug Aug- 2 stated Anyone with good sense now objects ob- ob to being told that Czar Crar Wilson is working for the Inter interest t of the working working- class In trying to force them against their wills Into the blood bloody European slang Asks General Strike to Prevent War ar WarIn WarIn arIn In another Issue It It declared It Then If war is declared let Jet us by all means pull off the general gen sen- en- en eral strike to prevent it W What at ismore Is Ismore Ismore more simple Otto Christensen chief chier colln counsel el for forthe fort I Ithe the I. I W. W W. W conferred with defendants defendants defendants defend- defend ants In the county Jail jan after cop copies I of the Indictments were delivered to them last night and announced that that j they all assured assured him they were I inno j innocent cent of the charges charge made therein I A campaign is said to have been started by I. I W. W W W. members not not under under un un- un I der indictment to raise forthe for the defense of the Indicted men and to obtain the release of ot the leaders on bonds I 0 |