Show i A T T OF- OF THE 4 THE CONQUEST OF CANAAN N I PENROD EtC f JU iii Hr HARPER 1 E GYN SYNOPSIS SIS F I CHAPTER I I attempt to wake ake a man of hie tola eon Ion Bibbs br by him in the tho machine shop ones ends In InSI Ingoing SI bs going to a a s wr eck k CHAPTER On Il-On his return Bibbs Bibb U Is tact nIt at the station by his slater Edith I CHAPTER III III III-Ho finds himself an InConsiderable In- In Considerable and unconsidered ft figure re In vb cb New House of ot the He sees ee ee Mary Vertree Vertrees lookin at t him from summer lummer house home next door CHAPTER IV The IV-The The old town fatally and anit impoverished call on the rich newly and afterward dle- dle them Mary puts put Into words worda her herf unspoken w wish wih that she he h marr marry f n ne oC of the Sheridan boys s. s CHAPTER V Y YAt Y-At At At the Sheridan Sh banquet t Sheridan spreads him him- self pelf ll Mary Mar frankly encourages es Jim Sherie Sheri Sherl- ian's ians e 5 attention and nd Bibbs hears he ha U la to toe toe f e sent cent back to the lb shop CHAPTER VI Mary VI-Mary Mary tella her ber mother shoat bout th the banquet and aDd shocks her mothe moth- moth e tC by talking of as u a a. matrimonial CHAPTER VII Jim VII JUa tells tail M Marr Bibb Bibbs t im ta not a lunatic lunatic- Jurt queer Ha lIe pro pro- to Mary Wh r accept MM hInI r CHAPTER VIII VIII-Sherl an tells tens Bibbs ae must eo go back to the machine shop a u as oon soon as he la lc strong enough In spite spits o of Bibbs' Bibbs plea to be allowed to write CHAPTER IX Edith IX-Edith Edith and Sibyl Roscoe Sheridan's wife wife quarrel quarrel over Bobby Lamhorn Lam- Lam horn hom Sybil goo goes to Mary for help to keep Lamhorn Lamborn from marrying Edith and Mary leaves h her r In the room alone CHAPTER X-Bibbs X has to break to I his father the news of Jims Jim's sudden death CHAPTER XI XI All All the rest of ot the fam family fly ily il helpless In their grief BIbbs becomes become temporary master of the house At the funeral he meets Mary and rides home homo with her CHAPTER XII Mrs Sheridan plead with BIbbs Bibba to return to the machine shop chop for his fathers father sake and he consents TOll TOh Oh lUbbs Bibbs 1 8 she said shaking her lIcad woefully oughtn't to distress dla dis- dis tress your sister She says you drove that young young man out of ot the house You'd ought to been more considerate Bibbs smiled faintly noting that tha t Edith's door was waa open with Edith's naive shadow motionless across its itoi threshold Yes he said lIe He do doesn't sot appear to be much of ot a mans maus wan man man He inn nUl at just juat a glimpse of 01 one oue Edith's shadow hadow moved her VoIce rolce ame came quavering You call yourself 4 one ne No no no he be answered I said Just x t glimpse of ot one I didn't claim claim claim- But Dut her ber door slammed an angrily ly and he turned to his mother There he said sighing That I almost the first time in my life lIte I ever tried to be a man of or action mother and md I succeeded perfectly in what I 1 tried to do As sa a a consequence I feel like a horse hors thief 1 You hurt her ber tulln's she groaned You must a gone one at It too rough Bibba He looked upon her wanly my trouble mother he m murmured red Im a plain blunt tell fellow ow I have bave Tough rough ways and Im I'm a rough man For once sho she perceived some mean mean- meaning lug ing In His q Hush Flush yo your r non nonsense nOD sense she said good the astral of or a troubled ed smile amne appearing You Yon to p to bed He fie kissed her ber and obeyed Edith gave him a cold greeting the next morning at the breakfast table You mustn't t do that hat att under a misapprehension mis mis- apprehension apprel be he warned her ber when they were alone in the dining room Do what under a what she asked Speak td me I came cam Into the tha room last night on purpose he be told tier her gravely I have a prejudice l dice a against that young man She laughed I guess you think It means menns a great t deal who you JOU have bave prejudices prejudiced against In mo mockery kery she adopted the manner of ot one who Im fm- t Bibbs for pity's sake promise ime r me dont don't use your with papa against agaInst him And she laughed louder Listen he be said with peculiar pecullar earn estness Ill tell you now because because- because Ive I've decided Im I'm one of 01 the family And then as If It the earnestness earnest earnest- ness nesa were too bea heavy vy for him to carry It further he continued in his usual I tone Im fm drunk with power Edith What do you want to tell me she demanded brusquely Lamhorn Lamborn made love to Sibyl he said Bald Edith hooted booted She did to him No uNo he be said gravely ravely I know How I 1 was there one day a week ago with Roscoe and I heard beard Sibyl SibIl anI and Lamhorn Lamhorn- Edith screamed with laughter You were with Roscoe and Roscoe and you hUN heard Lamhorn makin love to Sibyl Sibyll No I heard them Ulem quarreling Youre funnier than ever Bibbs I she cried You say he made love t ther to her because you beard heard them quarrelIng quarrel- quarrel Mgr Ing Jn r It If It you want to know what's between people le you can can can-by by bythe the way they quarrel YouJI kill me Bibbs What were they quarreling about Nothing how bow I know People Peo Pea pIe who quarrel over Its It's nothing Its It's S. S l always certain I Edith stopped laughing abruptly but continued her mockery Yon You oTi o ought ht to know Youve You've had so much experience once ence yourself I haven't any I Edith he said My r life has bas been about ns as exciting as 31 tn art incubator Chickens But I 1 look out through the glass at thlu things s. s Well ell then thEin she slie said Raid if 11 you look lookout lookout lookout out through h the glass you OU must know what effect such sueh stun stuff would have upon upon upon up up- on me She rose visibly agitated What J if it it was true she demanded bitterly What if it It was true a hundred hundred hundred hun hun- dred times over o You sit there with your our fa 0 half ready to giggle and aud half halt ready to sniffle and tell me stories like that about Sibyl picking on Bobby Dobby Lamhorn and aud worrying him to death and yoji think It matters to me What If I already knew know all nil about their quarreling quarreling What If it I 1 understood wh why 1 I t a Q oJ I i l I Ith M j jr r r r I Your Father Me Yesterday Yesterday Yesterday Yester Yester- day Afternoon the tolle- She broke off ot with a violent gesture a sweep of ot her aim arm extended at full tull length as i if she hurled something something some some- thin thing to the ground Do you think a girl that rea really II cared tor for a 11 man would pal p taDY any attention to that Or to you Jou Bibbs Sheridan He looked at her steadily and his gaze was WIlS is aa as keen as u it was waa steady She met it with unwavering pride Finally he nO nodded slowly as If It she had spoken and he meant to agree Tee with what she saidAh said sahl Ah Ab yes lie he staid slid I wont won't come Into Inte the smoking room toom again Im I'm Im sorry orry Edith Nobody can make you Jou see see anything now no you'll never see Bee until you see for tor yourself The rest of ofus ofus us will wUl do better to keep k ep out of it It- It especially me mel sensible she responded curtly Youre most surprising of t all when youre you're sensible Bibbs Yes he be sighed Im a dull dog Shake bands hands and forgive me Edith Thawing RO so fAr as us to smile she underwent un un- underwent derwent this brief ceremony and George appeared summoning Bibbs to the library Doctor Gurney was waitIng walt wait Ing lOll there thero he be announced And Bibbs gave his bb sister a shy aby but friendly touch upon the shoulder as a complement to the handshaking and left her Doctor Gurney was sitting by the log tog fire alone In the room and he merely glanced over o his shoulder when I hia t patient came In lu He was not on over l' l fifty In spite of ot Sheridan's habitual ole Doc Doe Gurney lIe He was gray however however however how- how ever almost as 08 thin thlu a as Bibby and nearly always he be looked drowsy Your father tather t telephoned me yesterday jester yester- day afternoon Bibbs HIbbs Bibbs he be said m not t ris Ing ing Wants ru me to look you over again again Come around here herr In front of me me between between me and the fire I want to see aee if I cau can see through you j j You mean youre you're too sleepy to i move returned Bibbs complying I think you'll notice that Im I'm getting worse wo e Taken on about twelve pounds said saM Gurney Thirteen maybe Twelve Well it wont won't do The doctor rubbed his eyelids Youre so much better Ill I'll have bate C to use some machinery on you before we can call know Just where you ou are You come down to my place this afternoon Walk down down all all the way I suppose you know why your father wants to know Bibbs nodded Machine shop Still bate hate it Bibbs nodded again Dont blame you the doctor grunt grunt- ed Yes I 1 expect it'll make a lump In Ino your o r gizzard zard again gal Well what lt do 2 you say I tell hIm hlin youve you've got ot the Uie old lump there yet You still want to write do d you the use Bibbs said smiling smil ing lag rue ruefully Cully My y kind of or writing Yes tb the doctor u agreed I suppose if it you ou broke away and lived on roots and lien lea until you began begau to attract the favorable fl attention of or editors' editors you OU might ht be able to hope for an income of ot four or live five hundred d dollars a year jear by bythe bythe the tile time youre you're fifty about it it Bibbs murmured Of course I know what you want ant to lo ho said Gurney drowsily You dont don't hate Late the machine shop only you ou hate hite the w whole ole show the show the noise and aud jar and dirt the scramble the scramble the whole craze to set get et on ou on You'd You'll like to go somewhere in AI Algiers Irs or to Taormina perhaps and bask on a 11 balcony smell smell- smelling ing lag flowers and writing sonnets sonnet You'd grow tat fat on It and have ve a delicate hittie little lit hit tIe tle life nil all to yourself Well what t do you say Ray I can enn lie like sixty Bibbs ibbs Shall I t tell 11 your our father h hell he'll ll lose another another an nn other of his boys if 11 you dout dont go o to Sicily I dont don't want to go to Sicily said MIl al l Bibbs I want to stay right here hele The rho doctors doctor's drowsiness disappeared for a moment and he be gave his patient a sharp glance glauce Its a risk he saidI saidI said I think well we'll find youre you're so o much better better bet ter hell he'll send senti you back to the shop pretty quick Something's pot Jot hold hoM of 01 you yon lately youre you're not quite so lackadaisical lackadaisical lackadaisical lack lack- as you ou used to be But I warn you I think the shop will knock you just JURt as it did before and perhaps ever harder barder Bibbs lIe He rose shook himself and rubbed his eyelids Well when we we-go we go over o you this afternoon what are we going soing to say about it I ITell Tell him Im I'm ready reay said Bibbs looking at the floor I Oh no Gurney laughed Not No quite yet ret but you yon may be almost Wellsee Well Wol see Dont Don't forget I said to walk down And when the examination was concluded con con- eluded that afternoon the doctor doctor informed Informed in ln formed Bibbs that he the result was much too satisfactory to be pleasing Heres Heresa a n new situation for tor a n one-act one farce he said gloomily to his bis next patient when Bibbs had gone Doctor tella tells tell a man hes he's well and that's his death sentence likely Dam funny world Bibbs decided to walk home It was wasa as asa a dingy afternoon and the smoke was evident not only to Bibbs' Bibbs sIght but to toWs his Ws nostrils though most of or the pedestrians pedestrians were so saturated with the smell that they could no longer detect it This Incited n Sl train of ot thought which continued till he approached the new ne house As he be became came to the corner ol of Mr 11 Vertrees' Vertrees lot Mr r. r Vertrees' Vertrees daughter daughter daugh daugh- ter emerged emerge from rain lom the front door and walked thoughtfully down the path paUl to the picket gate She was fiS unconscious of or the approach of ot the pedestrian am and did not see him until she tibe had opened the gate aud and he was Wll almost beside her herThen Then she ehe looked up and ns fiS she saw him she started J visibly And nd if it this thing hull hind happened to Robert Lain Lain- horn hOIn lie he would have ve had bad a thought far beyond the horizon of or hearted faint Bibbs' Bibbs indeed would have e spoken his thought lie He would have said You jumped because you ou were thinking of ot me mc CHAPTER CHAPT R XIV Mary was 9 the picture of or R a lady tiu flus Bibbs HIbbs had 11 paused In in his slow stride and there elapsed ed an am Instant before before before be be- fore either spoke I oke or moved lt It It was no Iou longer lunger gel than titan that and yet It sufficed for tor each to seem scent s cm to say Rn by b look and attitude at at- Why its it's you Then the they both hoth spoke JIlo nt at at t once c each hurried hurriedly I pronouncing the the others other's name narue ns M It If about to deliver a n message message message mes mes- sage of or importance Then bout both came cameto cameto to a stop stoll simultaneously but Bibbs s made a tl heroic effort and aUll as an aa they began begau be he- gan gau to walk on together er be he e contrived oo to o find his voice I I I hate I a frozen fish myself he be said bald I think three miles was too long Jong for tor you rou to put up tip with one Good Gool gracious she cried turning to him a glowing face from which restraint and embarrassment had haft suddenly sud sud- suddenly denly fled tIed Mr h Sheridan youre you're Io lovely ely to put It that way It was wae an imposition for tor me to tn have matte you bring me rue home and after alter I went Into the ithe he house bouse I decided I 1 should ba have ve walked It wasn't t three e miles fO o the llie car lill line I 1 never thought of ot It Jt No Xo 81 IJ said id lI earnestly I Didn't either I nu might ln have lUl said ild some if It Ill Id thought of nt anything Im I'm taiL talking now though I 1 must t remember that thit and not mry a about out it later latet I think Im I'm talking g though it H doesn't sound Intelligent e e cu u to me roe I made up UIt my mind that if It I ever C met you ou again Id I'd turn on my yoke voice and nd keep it Jt going golup no matter r what it said Bald 1 1 She he interrupted him with laughter ana and Mary glary Vertices Vertices' laugh was one which Bibbs' Bibbs father had declared after the bouse warming house a cripple would crawl five live miles to hear And tOll at the I merry lilting of 01 it fathers father's son took heart beart to tor forget et some ome of his dation Ill be any kind of 01 Idiot he heald said ald if It you'll laugh at me some more It fIt wont won't be difficult for me She did and Bibbs' Bibbs cheeks showed a little actual color which Mary per per- They had passed the new house without either of ot them showing or showing or I possessing any possessing lug cons consciousness lo that It n had bad been the destination of ot one of at I them Ill keep leep on ou talking Bibbs c continued continued con con- n- n Ii cheerfully and you keep o on laughing Im I'm amounting to something In the world this Ulis afternoon Im I'm makIng mak mak- Ing lag a noise and that makes you make mako music Dont Don't be bothered by my bleating bleat bleat- In lug ing out such things s as us that Im I'm really real ly 11 frightened I dont don't remember talking talk lug lag a as much as ns this more than once QC Qt twice In n my ml life Je I suppose s Jt It Rats waa always in iu me to do it It though the first lime time I met anyone who |