Show o u NEW V SYSTEM I FOR i TRAINING INDIA INDIANS S Cato Sells commissioner of or Indian affairs has announced that a new system of vocational training for Indian Indian Indian In In- dian chil children ren who do not attend public public pub pub- lic lie schools would be Introduced In twenty-four twenty western states The country has been divided for the purpose purpose pur pur- pose into six districts headquarters of at which are Santa Fe N. N l M. M Riverside Riverside River River- side Ca Cal Salem Ore Rapid City S. S D. D Tomah WIs and Lawrence Kan Emphasis will be laid on agriculture ture and domestic science Instruction with a view to making Indians self self- supporting The system will apply appl to most of th the children under under under un un- der authority of at the Indian bureau Commissioner Sells left loft July 9 for tor tour of the newly established dis dis- I i t to I o 0 o J j i |