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Show H DOMESTIC TROUULES. r It Is exceptional to find a family where there arc no domestic ruptures , occasionally, but these can bo lessened ' by having Dr. King's New Life Pills nround. Much trouble they save by thulr groat work In Stomach and Liver troubles. Tltoy not only relieve you, H ' but cure. Stic, at Morcur Drug Co. drug H "We aro rather late In making enm- mqiit On the very creditable Christmas edition ISHUed by our exchange, tho J 'Ameilonn Eagle" of Murray. Tho '' JAV Chrlstmnit number of the "Lagle Is by far the best edlton evler Issued from that ofllce and we feel safe In saying any other country Journal In the Statu. The edition consists of twenty-four seven-column pages, highly Illustrated nnd containing In the text n resume of the magnificent growth and Impoitnnce of the great Utah Smelting City and Its many Industries and buplncss enterprises. enter-prises. Or tho twenty-four pages sixteen six-teen are on fine calendered paper and profuse ulth handsome half tones. Taken Ta-ken all In all the paper Ifc a mammoth affair to be attempted by a country office of-fice nnd needed great energy and skill to engineer and work It to a successful climax. We trust Friend Williamson received all the Htpport his worthy enterprlfc deserved. |