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Show SENSATIONAL PENDING WHITAER WRIGHT DIES AFTEH RECEIVING SEVEN YEARS' SENTENCE. Promoter Whose Career Was Known on Both Sides of the Pond Does Nat Live to Wear the Stripes. At 3 ri'clock Tuesdny afternoon, Wiiltnker Wright, thq mining pro mnter who has been on trial In London Lon-don for absconding with funds of tho London & (Jlolio Kinanco corporation, by which the stockholders lost moro than $111,000,000, wno sentenced to nuvuti yenrs' penal servitude. At 4 o'clock ho lay dead on tho floor of n small room In tho law courts. Whuthor ho took his own llfo by poison or whether donth In Its natural nat-ural courso robbed tho law of Its fulfillment, ful-fillment, will not bo known until a post mortem examination Is hold. Tho Indications, howovor, point to poisoning. For nbout twenty minutes nftor Wright had been sontonced, ho talked with his lawyers about his family affairs af-fairs and tho disposition of his remaining re-maining moneys. Ho frankly ox-pressed ox-pressed his nmnzement nt tho vordlct, nnd still moro so nt tho sentence. Suddenly Wright fell backward, as If he had fainted. Tho ofllccr who wns wnltlng to tnko him to Brlxon prison ran to King's Collogo hospital, which Is nearby, for a doctor. In tho monnwhllo tho unconscious mnn wns propped up on two chnlrs. Tho doctor camo quickly. His first thought wns that Wright had fallen In an ordinary apoplectic fit, but It was noticed that his heart began gradually to glvo out, nnd before- another doctor could arrive, ar-rive, Whltakor Wright, within ono hour of tho tlmo ho had boon sentenced, sen-tenced, wns dead. Without exception, tho London papers pa-pers express satisfaction with tho snl- I utary vindication of tho law in tho caso of Whltakcr Wright, and admit the Justlco of tho verdict nnd of tho sentence. Tho Stnndnrd nlono, in nn editorial, expresses somo surprise- at tho soverity of tho scntonco, on tho ground thnt thero was n certain do-greo do-greo of extenuation In tho peculiar circumstances cir-cumstances which Wright wns placed under. At thn MijpMjpah . porn dwoltuptmTmWiulnosB of "tho flnnl tragedy. |