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Show SENTINEL LOCAL ITEMS. Many of our citizens are suffering fiom severe colds nnd sore throats. s Mr. D. Heaston is not yet nblc to work, but his hand Is healing, though slowly. 4 If all reports are true wedding bells will ring scveinl times In our town In the near futuie, . 4. :, Mr. J. P. Mltchcner Is reported as rapidly recovering his health, which we nre glad to hear, I 4 4fc 4 'Jt J. II. Hickman, our one-time townsman towns-man but now 11 resident of Tooele, has been III, but Is now Imptovlng, 4' S John May and Everctte Glen, the two men hurt In the Honerlne tunnel re-cently, re-cently, are rapidly convalescing. i Mr, D. M. Smith, n carpenter at the Honerlne mill, has been "onflned to his bed during the Inst week, but Ih on the load to ucovery. A masquerade ball was given In I. O. O. F. hall last Thursday evening by the miners, Robert Hums and Matt Mills being the Instlgntors. m . All members of the Knights of Maccabees Macca-bees sojourning In Stockton or Ophlr nre requested to Bend their unmes nnd address and W. D. S. Harrington, Stockton poHtolllce. Our townsman. W. A. Fralley, has. recently Invested In a line new cutter. In which he has been enjoying the good sleighing and nt the same time affording afford-ing pleasure to others. 8 $ This Is a regular old-time winter. I Not for years has there been ns much u,4!t.uUXjtiimf1 '--;.' ' ' If on the .Lur.ti.aVJcu'tTiwuV:and night the'.nerJlngleorslelSh'bensrlTnri.lYe heard. P ? Jerry Hogan. who died nt Ophlr January 8th, was on old-timer In these parts. He lived and worked In Stockton Stock-ton for yeats, but of late Ophlr has been his home. He died of pneumonia nnd Wns burled nt Tooele on the 10th. Odd Fellows Lodge Alex Maze, N. G.; Jas. Brown. V. O.: W. II. Booth, secretary, and F. M. Davis, treasurer. A fine lunch was served after Instnl-hitlon, Instnl-hitlon, nnd those who felt so Inclined "tripped the light fnntnstlc" until midnight. mid-night. The "big cut" on the L. A.. 8. P. & 8. L. railroad Iibh done much for Stockton In the way of drawing the wind through thnt portion of the country. coun-try. Not so with Buehl. however, ns It Is 20 degrees colder there than at Stockton nnd an nlmost continuous wind posses througlr the cut over the town. |