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Show H EDITORIAL COMHENTS. The show billed to appear In the H opura-lioilHe will not be there on the Ctli H of thin month. The' editor would like to H explain why. Hut wliut's the uso? B An long as the iinow Is on the ground LLLt It Ih hard for the scavenger to clean up H lroicrly, but should nnyono require his B Immediate uervlct-B notice to the City H Marshal will be attended to, H At tho dances in the future wc H heartily recommend that young ladles lie the door managers, u they certainly H fioe to It that everyone has a partner. H The dance last Friday evening was a H financial success, but Judge Duulavy lion not been impressed with the fact H that It was a matrimonial success. H We wish the lady who tried to stop H the boys from smoking cigarettes on the H Hinge last Friday night had reported the H fact to Night Marshal Garland or to the H manager of the opera-house; we might H havo had a different story to tell, and H we might not, ntlll It Is always safer and H best to report unythlng like this to the Hj liropcr olllcers. H Wc would respectfully call the ntten- H Hon of the' citizens to the vandalism of H Home of , our younger clement; the B banlstera on the steps by the U I). H. H church and up to the Methodist church H ure rapidly disappearing. Now, boys, H tho inhabitants of Golden Gate Hill will H Hpprcclate leaving them alone; In H fact nn effort will be made to locate the H Vundnl and mako nu example of him be- H fore Judge Dunlavy. H - In our talk with the men who have H liilt the West Dip on account of the cold H grub nerved there. It appears that no H one went to the superintendent. Oh, It fl would have been no good, and I'd been H fired. Fire and be darned, lie manly H and state your grievances, give every- H body a fair shake, and then In the event H of no redrew forthcoinlliK. then iult. B AVc Biirely believe that If this had been H ilono Mr. Murphy would have seen to H the remedy. |