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Show ! (f Time Table. j uJ i 'San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad. TIME CARD, stations Dally. A. M. LvSalt Lake City 7:30 Lehl Junction 8:40 Cedar Fort 9:15 Fairfield 9:35 .LvFalrllcld 9:35 ArMercur (S. L. & M.) 10:45 I.. v Five Mile Pass 9:43 Rush Valley 10:05 Del Monte 10:20 , Doremus 10:40 Roultcr Summit 10:50 Tlntlc Junction 11:15 P. M. A. M. XiVTlntlc Junction 12:15 Roultcr Summit 12:35 Doremus 12:50 Del Monte 1:15 Rush Vallev 1:33 Five Mile Pass 2:00 -ArFalrfleld 2:20 Lv Mercur (S. 1. & M.) 2:10 -ArFatrflcld 3:24 LvFalrfleld 3:30 Cedar Fort 3:45 Lehl Junction 4:30 Trains nt Salt Lake mnke direct con- -ArSalt Lake City C:35 P. M. Ructions for all points north nnd east. E. W. GILLETT. General Passenger Agent. J. L. MQORE, Commercial Agent. 13.VLT LAKE & MERCUR TIMECARD West. East. -Airlve 10:45 Mercur 2:10 Leave Leave 10:30. ...Summit Jet.. ..2:25 " 10:00.... Manning ....3:02 " 9:35.... Fairfield ....3:24 Arrive J O. JACOBS, Gen, Manager. Suit Lake City. AN EARLY RISER. A strong, henlthy, actlvo constitution depends largely on the condition of tins 1 liver. The famous llttlo pills known an DoWltfa Little. Early Risers not only i cloniiBo the system, but they strength en tho action of the. liver and rebuild l the tissues supporting that organ. LIN IjF ly certnln to produce results thnf 'tire wallsfuctory In all cases. Sold by r Mercur Meat and Gro. Co. nnd M. E Hrown, Stockton. Mercur Drug Co., Mercur, Utah. A CURE FOR ECZEMA. The best physic. "Once tried nnd you will always use Chamberlain's Stomach nnd Liver Tablets," says William A. Glrard, Prnsc. Vt. These Tablets are the' most ptompt, most pleasant and most reliable oathaitlc In use. For sale by Mercur Drug Co., Mercur. Utah. A great many people are, using "San-Has" "San-Has" Instead of wall paper. You can see samples nt Stelnmnn's. RELIEF IN ONE MINUTE. One Mlnuto Cough Cure gives relief In one minute, because It kills the microbe which tickles the mucous membrane, cnuslng tho cough, and nt the same time clears tho phlegm, draws out the lnllammatlon and heals and soothes tho affected partH. One Mlnuto Cough Cure strengthens the lungs, wards off pneumonia pneu-monia nnd Is a harmless and never-falling never-falling cure in nil curable cases of Coughs, Coldf. and Croup. One Minute Cough Cure Is pleasant to take, harmless harm-less nnd good alike for young and old. Sold by Mercur Mont and Gro, Co. and M. E. Rrown. Stockton. 1 Mercur Drug Co., Mercur, Utah. 1 i A MOTHER'S RECOMMENDATION. I have used Chamberlain's Cough Reme y for n numbcr'fofjyears nnd have no hesitancy In saying that It Is the best remedy for codghs.-;colda. 'nnd croup I have ever used In my" family. I have not words to express my conn- donee In thl remedy. MrsTJ. A. Moore, North StiCr. Mich. Forgalo by Mercur Drug Co. f "' When mu feqj bluqPnflv,thiVteLvefy-thing bluqPnflv,thiVteLvefy-thing goes wrong, t iktfit.floljhof.'Cliah.-' beilalnlH Stomach nndiiLlver ThJJletjL 'SfefiJ' iyilleijrifniyiWMgorateJyotir? you n relish fcTr your food and make you feel that in this bid world Is a good place to live. For snfe by Mercur Drug Co. i M. E. Brown. Stoqkton. Utah. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NO. C4C9. Department of the Interior, Land Office Of-fice at Salt Lake City, Utah. Dccrmboi 22nd. 1903. Notice is hereby given that the fol-followlng-numcd settler has filed notice of his Intention to mnko final proof in support of his clnlmf nnd thnt said pioof v 111 be mado before the Register and Rf-celvor V. S. Land Office nt Salt Lake City. Utah, on Februnry C. 1904, viz.: Hiiiio R. Peterson. II. E. 11S8I, for the no'', nwi nnd n ne',; sec. 33. nnd nwW uw',4 tec. 3). tp. C s.. r. 2 w.. S. L. M. He names the following witnesses to piovc his continuous residence upon and nil. t (ration nf wild Innd. viz.: William Snyder Sny-der and Andrew Park of Fnlrfleld, Utah; Milton Hennlon nnd John M Cannon of Forest Dale. I'tah. FRANK D. HOURS, Register. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. M. A. No. S7S5. Notice of application" for U. S. patent. In the United States Land Office nt Snlt Ixiko City, Utah. .Ian. 23, 1901. Notice Is hereby given thnt In pursuance pur-suance of tho act of Congress approved May 10. 1S72. to promote tho development develop-ment of mining renirces of the United Stntes, the Consolidated Mining company, com-pany, a corporation of the State of Missouri, Mis-souri, having its principal office nt the City of St. Louis, State of Mlssurl. and having compiled In nil respects with the laws of tho Stale of Utah i elating to foreign corporations, by Frank R. Stephens, Its ngent nnd attorney, whose poMtolllce nddress is Salt Lake City, Utah, claiming 1450 feet, linear measure, mea-sure, of the Tomahawk vein, lode or mineral deposit, bearing geld, silver or other precious metals, with suifnce ground 335.0 feet In width, lying, being and sltunled within the Ophlr Mining District, County of Tooole, State of Utah, mineral survey No. 4930. has made application to the United States for n patent for tho said mining claim, which is more fully described ns to metes and bounds by the official plat herewith posted, and by the field notes of survey thereof, now filed In the ollleo of tho register of the district of lands, subject to sale at Salt Lake City, Utah, which field notes of survey describe the boundaries and extent of snld claim on the surface with n magnetic variation ot 1C deg. 30 mln. east, ns follows, to wit. Ueglnnlng at corner No. 1, which Is Identical with corner No. 2 of lot No 15S. Eighth of Jnnuady lodo (amended)! fronm whence U S. M. M. No. 4 bears south 73 deg. C mln. west 769.3 feet thence south 15 deg. 9 mln. east 335.G foot to corner No. 2; thenco north 53 deg. east 1450 feet to corner No 3-thenco 3-thenco north 1G deg. 9 mln. west 335.C feet to corner No. 4; thenco touth 63 deg. went 1450 feet to coiner No. 1, the place of beginning; tho said notice of locntlon of said mining claim being of record In the office of tho Recorder of Tooele county at Tooole City, Utah. In book "H," pages 114-116, as shown by tho records of John Faunce, District Recorder of said mining dlstilct, now on file In the office of the Rocoider of t Tooele county; the presumed general gen-eral course or direction of the said Tomahawk vein, lodo or mineral deposit being shown upon up-on the plat posted herewith, as near as can be determined from present dc-'Vclopuients, dc-'Vclopuients, this claim being for 1450 linear feet thereof, together with the wirfacc ground shown upon the official pint. The nearest known locations being be-ing lot No. 110. tho Corning lode; lot No.' 75, Poor Man lode; lot No. 49, Trnfal-gar Trnfal-gar lode: lot No. 81, Sacramento lode; lot No. 99, Mountain Gem lode; Ixit No. 44, Chicago No. 2 lode; lot No. C9, Red Pine lode; lot No. 170, IJurr lode; lot No. 158, Eighth of January lode, and lot No. 10.1, the Ruckhorn lode. The total area of said Tomahawk lode Is 10.309 acies. fiom which will be deducted de-ducted the area In conflict with: Acres. Lot No. 110, the Corning lode 2.020 Lot No. 75, Poor Man lode 0.2AS Lot No. 19, Trafalgar lodo 0.CS2 Lot No. SI. Sacramento lode 0.010 Lot No. 99, Mountain Gem lodo ...0.019 Lot No. 41. Chicago No. 2 lode ....0.073 Lot No. 09. Red Pine lode 0.070 Lot No. 170, Hair lodo 0.0CO Total area In conflict 3.214 Leaving a net area of Tomahawk Toma-hawk lode 7.125 Any anil all pel sons claiming adversely ad-versely the mining ground, vein, lode, premises, or uny poitlon thereof so do-scilbed, do-scilbed, Miivoycd, platted and applied for, aie hereby notified that unless their ndvuise claims are duly filed as according ac-cording to law and the regulations thereunder, within the time pi escribed by law. with the Register of the U. S. Land Office nt Salt Iike City. County of Satt Lake, State of Utah, they will be barred by virtue of tho piovisions ot said statute. I dltcct that this notice be published In Mercur .Miner of Mercur, Tooele county. Utah, for a perled of nine consecutive con-secutive weeks. FRANK D. HOURS. Register. , First pub. Feb. 3, Inst pub. March 30, ,1901. NOTKF. OF APPLICATION FOR A f IMTED STATICS PAT1CNT. M. A NO. 3709. In 'In lulled Stntis Unnd Office, Salt i. iki ity. I'tsh. Hit. IS. 1H03 Notii ' het..l given that, In pui-eunnn pui-eunnn r the rt of Congiees, approved ap-proved May 10, 1W2, "To piomoto the doveioniK-it of ,th&. mining reourofl (if ilunltedjstiiidriiy fifinyon. jt'cTnmnttfM Waimfil&fewt Its pirnclpal'fittrei' 'of business nt Salt Lake City. Utah, noting through Its duly nuthorlzud ngent and attorney. Frank 1J Stephen, whoso pustofflfv uddress is Salt Lake City, Utah, claiming- 1112 linear feet of the Queen of the West No. 2 lode with surface ground 600 feet lu width. 1112 linear feet of the Queen of the West No. 1 lode with suifaco ground TOO feet 111 Width. 1112 linear feet of the Queen of the West lode with surface ground 415 feet in width. 1500 linear feet of the Keystone lode with surface groin .' D01.G feet In width 1.101.7 linear feet cf tho McKlnloy mine lode with surface giouud 557 feet In width. 12S9.C linear feet of the Lucky Roy Mine lode with surface ground G57 feet in width. 1493. C linear feet of the Silver Dollar lode with surface ground GS1.9 feet In width. 14iU.:i linear feet ot tho Uncle Sam lode with surface giouud 315 feet In width. 1479.3 linear feet of the Admiral Dewey lode with surfucc ground COO feet In width. 1479,3 linear feet of the Queen of the West No. G lode with surface ground COO feet lu width. 1479.3 linear feet of the Queen of the West Ni. 4 lode with surface ground G99.7 feet lu width. 1IS9.1 linear feel of the Queen of the West No. C lode with surface ground COO feet lu width. 1141.9 linear feet of the Queen of the West No. 3 lode with surfaco ground COO feet In width. 1290 linear feet of the Queen of the West No. 7 lode with surface ground 237. C feet In width. All covering veins, lodes nnd mineral deposits bearing gold, silver and other precious metals, and all lying and being be-ing nnd situate within the Ophlr Mining Min-ing District In the County of Tooele and State of Utah, and being consolidated as one group of claims. Mineral Survey No, 4954. has mado application to the United States for n patent for the said consolidated mining claims comprising all of the above-described claims, which is more fully described as to metes nnd bounds by the official plat and by the field notes of survey hereof now filed In tho offlco of tho Register of the District Dis-trict of Lands, subject to sale at Salt Lake City, Utah, which Held notes of survey describe the boundaries and extent ex-tent of said tialn. on tho surface, with magnetic variation nt It degrees 30 minutes east as follows, to wit: Reglnnlng nt corner No. 1, Lucky Roy Mine lodo, which Is identical with corner cor-ner No. 1 McKlnley lode, this survey; whence V, S. M. M. No. 8 bonrs north 7 degrees 7 minutes east 723.9 feet, thence south 81 degrees G4 minutes east 1289.0 feet to corner No. 2 Lucky Roy Mine lode, thltf survey; thence south 8 degrees C minutes west 8C.1 feet to linn 1-2 Silver Dollar lode, this survey, thence north 51 degrees east SG0.3 fee1, to corner No. 2 Silver Dollar lode, this survey; thenco south 21 degrees 30 minute's min-ute's cast C07.1 feet to corner No. 3 Silver Sil-ver Dollar lodo, this survey; thence south G3 dogreos 7 initiator, west 1492.8 (oet to corner No. 4 'Silver Dollar lodo this survey; thence, north 21 degrees 30 minutes west GSC.3 feut to line 3-4 Luoky Roy Mine lode, this survey; thoncu north SI degrees 54 minutes west S14.3 H font to corner No. 4 Lucky Roy Mine H lode, Identical with corner No. 2 McKIn- ley lodo, both of this survey; thenco .H north SI degrees Gl minutes west 1301.7 H foot to coiner No. 3 McKlnley Mine lode, this survey; thenco north 8 degrees 0 minutes cast G57 foot to corner No. 4 McKlnley Mine lode, on line 2-3, Key- H stone lode, both of this suivey; thenco H noith 81 degrees G4 minutes west G57 feet to corner No. 3 Keystone lode, this H survey; thence north 8 degrees C mln- utes east 501. G feet to corner No. 4 Key- stone lode, this survey; thence south 81 f degrees 54 minutes east G57.1 reel to H corner No. 3 Queen of the West lode. this survey; thenco north 8 degrees 6 H minutes onst 415 feet to corner No. 4 H Queen of the West lode, Identical with corner No. 2 Queen of the West No. 1 lode, both ot this survey; thence north M 8 degrees C minutes east COO feet to corner No. 3 Queen of tho West No. 1 lode, Identical with corner No. s Queen of the West No. 2 lode, both of this survey; thence north 8 degrees 0 mln- H utes east COO feet to corner No. 3 Queen D of the West No. 2 lode, this survay: V thence south 81 degiecs 64 minutes east HI 1112 feet to corner No. I Queen of tho H West No. 2 lode, on line 1-2 Queen of M the West No. I lode, both of this stir- vey; thenco north 8 degrees G minutes 1 east 499.7 feet to corner No. 2 Queen of H the West No. 4 lode, this survey; thenco M south 81 degrees Gl minutes east 417.2 M feet to line 1-2 Queen or the West No. M C lode, this survey; thenco north 47 M degrees 38 minutes west 1211.4 feet to M corner No. 2 Queen of tho West No. f 1 lode, this survey; thence north 42 do- H glees 22 minutes east COO feet to cor- H tier No. 3 Queen of the West No. C lode. 1 this survey; thence south 47 degrees 33 M minutes cast 14S9 1 feet to corner No. M 4 Queen of the West No. G lode this H survey, on line 2-3 Queen of tho West M No. 3 lodo, this survey, thence north i H degrees 2J minutes east 731.1 feet to H corner No. S Queen of tho West No. 3 H lode, this survey; thenco south 47 do- H grees 38 minutes east COO foot to cor- H tier No. 4 Queen of the West No. 3 lode, H this survey, on Hue 2-3 Queen of tho H West No. 7 lode; thence north 44 do- H gnes 22 minutes east GGG.9 fet to cor- H iter No. 3 Queen of tho West No. 7 lode. H this survey: theme routh s degrees 6 H .ninnies west 5B 7 feet to corner No, 4 H 'iueen of the Wt st No. 7 lode, thin nur- H vey; thence south 42 degrees 22 mln- H tes west 1290 feet to rorner No. 1 Queen H of the West No. 7 lode, this Burvey, H identical with rorner No. 4 of tho Queon H of the West No. 4 lode nnd with cor- H jytr No. 3 Queen gf ihaWcsi, No. G lode. vi M 1pJlof AhlsfsucVeOTlionieflitouth 8 tfH jeiVfcfica, C lalnutdB wQHt.CQOftet-to'W- &ril fhlsTnTrWyridrnliailh-rTuTFNofsa rwv H Admiral Dcwvy lode, this survey; H thence routh 8 derroen G minutes wo.u H 600 feet to corner No. 2 Admiral Dewey H lode, this survey. Identical with corner H No. 4 Uncle Snm lode, this survey; H thence south R degrees 6 minutes west H fl.1 feet to corner No, 3 Uncle Snm lode, H this survey; thenco north 81 degrees 51 JM minutes west 1479.3 feet to corner No. 4 H Undo Snm lode, this survey, Identical H with corner No, 2 Queen of tho West H todc. this survey; thence north 81 do- H grees G4 minutes west 1C9.1 feet to cor- H ner No, 1 Keystone lode, this survey, H on line 2-3, Queen of the West lode, H this survey; thence south 8 degrees 6 H minutes west 601. 6 feet to corn or No. H 2 Keystone lode, this survey, on lino H 1-4 McKlnley mine lode, this survey; H thence south 81 degrees G4 minutes east H 258.7 feet to tho plnco of beginning. H Containing n totnl area of 229.634 H acres, from which nre deducted con- H Dieting areas as follows, namely: H Acres. H Silver Dollar lode, this survey.... 2.G3G H Lot No. 84 Mahogany No. 2 lode.. 0.157 H Lot No. 151 Mark Antony lode.... 12.495 H Queen of the West No, 4 lode, H this survey 3.4IS H Making a total of 18. COG ,r H Leaving the net area of the H lode claim 211.089 jH The areas In conflict with lot No. 84 H Mahogany No. 2 lodo nnd lot No. 15( M Murk Antony lode arc not claimed. H Notices of location of nil of said mln- Ing claims comprising said group being M ot record In the office of the Recorder M of Tooele County, at Tooeje City lu the H County nnd State aforesaid, the pre- M sumed general course or direction ot M the said veins, lodes and mineral dc- 1 posits being shown on the said plat as H near ns can be determined from pros- H ent developments, this claim being for H the number of linear feet of each lodu H together with surfaco ground shown M upon the official plat, and ns herein da- M scribed. The neniest known locutions M being the Mahogany No. 2 lode mining M claim lot No. 84, tho Mark Antony lode m mining claim lot No. 154, the Rover M lodo mining claim survey No. 3478, the M Occident lode mining claim lot No. 108, H tho Horchol lode mining claim tot No. M 112, the Swansea lodo mining claim Lot H No. 10G and the Honiestake lode mln- M Ing claim Lot No. 91, all of tho said H claims being so designated on thu olll- IH clal plat. Said claims aro situated In H uusurvcyed township G south, rango 4 H Any and all persons claiming adverse- M ly the mining ground, veins, lodes, B promises, or nny portion thereof so de- H scribed, surveyed, platted nnd applied M for, nic hereby notified that unless their M adverse claims are duly filed as accord- M Ing to law and the regulations there- M under within the time proscribed by H law with tho Register of the United M States Land Office at Snlt Lnko City, In M tho county of Salt Lake, Stnte of Utah, M they will be burred by virtue of the M provisions of said statute. H I hereby direct that this notice bo H published in the Morour Minor at Mor- M cur. Tooele county, State or Utah, tho M newspaper published nearest to the said H mining claims, for a period of nine con- M scoutlvo weeks.' M FRANK D. HOOUS, R Register. H |