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Show DIDNT BELIEVE H That Coffee Was the Real Trouble. HJ Soma people flounder around and HJ take overythlng that's rocommondod HJ to thorn but Anally flud out that cof- HJ too is tho real causo of tholr troubles. HJ An Oregon man says: HJ "For 25 years I wus troublod with l my stomach, I was a steady coffeo HJ drinker but didn't suspect that as HJ tho causo. I doctored with good doc- HJ tors and got no help, then I tool: H almost anything which somoono elso H had been cured with but to no good. I HJ was very bud last summer and could HJ cot work at limes. HJ "On Docombor 2, 1902, I was taken HJ ao bad tho Doctor said I could not Jlvo HJ over twenty-four hours at tho most HJ und I mado all ptepnratlons to dlo. I HJ could hardly oat an thing, overythlng HJ distressed me and I was weak and sick H all over. When li. that condition cof- HJ fe-o was abandoned and I was put on HJ Postum, the change In my feelings HJ camo quickly nftor tho drink that was HJ poisoning me was removed. HJ "Tho pain aid slcknoss fell away HJ from mo and I began to get woll day HJ by day so 1 stucK to It until uow I am HJ well and strong again, can oat heartily HJ with no hoadacho, heart troublo or tho HJ awful sickness of tho old coffoo days. HJ I drink all I wish of Postum without H any harm and enjoy It Immonsoly. HJ "This seems like a wonderfully HJ strong story but I would refer you to HJ tho First National Dank, Tho Trust HJ Bauklng Co., or any morchant of HJ Grant's Pass, Ore., In regard to my HJ atandlnr and I will send a sworn state- HJ tnont of this if jou wish. You can HJ also use my name." Name glvn by HJ Postum O., Ilnttlo Creek, Mich. HJ Bllll there aro many who persistent- HJ Jy fool thcmsolvus by saying "Coffeo HJ don't hurt me," a ton days' trial of HJ Postum In Its place will tell tho truth H and many times save II to. ' M "There's a reason." HJ! Look for thq JlUlo book "The Road to Wellvlllu" In each paokage. ' |