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Show METHODS IN DRYING LINEN. The Right Way to Bring Out the Proper Gloss. When hanging your linen to dry. mo two linos comparatively closo nnd parallel for jour tablecloths nnd sheets. Throw ono solvcdgo sldo of your tablecloth oer ono lino townrd tho other, allowing It to hang down about a quarter of a yard, and being careful to pin It n short distance from the ends. Tako tho opposite of your cloth nnd throw It over tho other lino and pin It In the samu manner. This will form a sort of bag, and will preterit to it considerable extent tho wild blowing or tho tablecloth In windy weather. After tho tablo linen Is thoroughly dried remove It from tho lino nnd prepare pre-pare to dampen It. A whisk broom Is excollcnt for the purpose. Tablo linen, In order to bring out tho bright gloss that makes It attractive, should bo dampened qulto considerably. consider-ably. Sprlnklo the tablecloths fieely, being be-ing suro that the selvedge ends nr hemstitched holders ato thoroughly dump. Iloll up tightly, patting tho roll frequently to kprcad tho dampness. |