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Show The Jerome of Weber County Goes Down to Defeat Ogdcn. The election in W-'bei county proved to bo a veritablo 16 n 3 slide for the Republicans, who elected every man on tholr ticket by majorities majori-ties ranging from 1,000 to 2,000. Judgo Howell, for congress, received a majority ma-jority of 1,433 over Orlando W. Pow. crs In thirty districts out of tho forty-one. forty-one. Joseph D. Frlck had a similar majority over J. W. N. Whltccotton for tho supreme bench. Locnlly, Q. A. Sebrlng, for sheriff, headed his ticket with moro than 2,000 majority over Bolnnp, Democrat J. D. Skocn, Democratic Dem-ocratic and Labor nomlnco for county nttorney. wns dpfeated by N. J. Harris, Har-ris, Republican, by more than 1,000 votes, Mr. Skeen headed his tlckot, receiving 1,042 votes In tho city of Ogdcn, Og-dcn, and 452 In twolvo districts outsldo out-sldo of tho city. |