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Show ! MfcRCUR AND TOOELE COUNTY. Violinist furnished good music and every body enjoyed a good dance. 1 Mr. Georgo II. Dem Is in Sat. Loko this week attending mining business nnd signing tho regular monthly pay checks. "' " ..4$ M Tho Democratic ticket In Morcur won by a largo majority, but through t' out th ocounty tho Republicans were victors. (r- . jr. '& "" Mr- Tu0H Joncs' Sr, nnd Thos, j$, ' Jones, Jr., havo gono to Provo to nt- 'jimJu'ihi '"''i''1" "? -y'- --- '-nrr "'" 'married 7th inBt. Mrs. Agncr oBareon is reported qulto ill as thin paper goes to press. Tho writer not knowing tho nnture of her sickness. Wo trust it is nothing scr- . tous. Joys' Orchestra gave a danco Tuns-day Tuns-day evening November 13th. Tho hall was taxed to Its capacity and everybody every-body voted it ono of tho best this season. "Tho Golden Gato Dancing Club" ' gavo their usual Saturday night daneo , on tho 10th Inst. Mrs". Plnkerton pian ist nnd Mr. C. L. Joy, claronct, Gil. Sweeten, cornet. . The tramway motors mommenced having ore again Saturday and the supply of coal Increasing Insures n regular tramway being put through tho mill tho rost of tho month. -: . -5 Mayor Evers accompanied by his two ., i daughters, Hoso nnd Rutli. will leave V-T'SX, ' for 0hl on tl10 lctl1 i""t- to visit his st mother nt Tolodo. He will bo gono for '' several weeks on business and pleas ure combining. ?"V ' Mr. W. T. Backus loft for Galconda, ' Novnda, Thursday to go In business with his father at thnt place. Mr. Backus has been with tho Con. Mor- 1 , cur pcoplo for tho past, his family will "' follow him as soon as ho con securo a liousti. Thero was n party of young people from Morcur went to Ophlr last Friday Fri-day night to a danco, leaving Mercur In carrlngos nt about 8 o'clock. It Is t rumored that thoy wcro lost esovcral I times enrouto, but when tho roll was . . called nt Ophlr at 10 o'clock, it was found that nil wcro present All of thorn wero very enthusiastic with tho manner In which tho Ophlr pcoplo treated them, stating that the Ophlr peoplo wcro tho most soclablo crowd that thoy had met (or n long tlmo, nnd from tho tenor of their conversation, conversa-tion, it Is to sassumo that it will not bo long until another party goes to Ophlr. Thoso going wore: Miss Jono Blanchnrd, Miss C. Ttasmussen, Mr. Clydo McMnBtors, Dr. L. C. ..rauso, Mr. John Brandt, Miss Kate Caffoy, Miss Nolllo Snargo, Mr. M. Itay Dayton, Day-ton, Miss Llzzlo Peterson nnd Mr. liar-"JSS liar-"JSS vy Dunlavy. |