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Show H. aV DRESSER, Editor and Proprlttoi Subscription Pries $2 per Ysar, Months 9U3 x . Advertising Rates. Cards, 1 per inch per month; dls slay ads 10c per inch, single column per mooto. Discount for large space Reading notices 10 cents per line Oral insertion, I cents each subsequent In Mrtloa. Catered as Second class matter Jul; It 1110. at the post office at Delta, UUb, under act of March 3, 1879. Salt Lake Office, 283 8. W. Temple St FOR SALE. Hay and chaff for sale. I have a good pair of scales to weigh on at the larm. OKA LAKE, Abraham. CITY LOTS FOR SALE. The Melville Irrigation Company of fers for sale all their lots In the Delta Townslte. They are located In different dif-ferent parts of the townslte and buy-n buy-n can be suited In both pries and ocatlon. Information can be furnished by any of the directors or EDGAR V. JEFFERY. Secretary, DOES. YOUR WELL LEAK? If It allows surface water to seep In can make It perfectly water tight vltn my water-proof cement. Satlsiae-ion Satlsiae-ion guaranteed. I'hone or write R. T. PATTERSON. Abraham. J Complete Stock of Christmas I Candies, Fruits and Nuts f ' I SpeclaJ Price in Quantities t Lunch Oysters J Delta. Bakery and f Delicatessen Co. I l : J: I am now doing business in my new stand, Come and sec me R. J. LAW DELTA - - . . UTAH t SANTA CLAUS LEAVING THE NORTH POLE FOR 5 I PRATT'S STORE. $ & 1 He i lofiileil with nil kimN of Dvh for the boy ami iris. Tops, pocket knives, story books for Neil. ay t Dishes, dolls, doll busies for Nellie. $ J ('Hps, mittens jitid skates for .Johnny. New Klines for Sally. e) Kxptess WHtfon for IVler. Z Handkerchief mid Ties for Jack. J (iloves and inillens for IV Silk scarf and gloves for Ma. S Z Shoes and overcoats for Tew and Ted. 2 2 Warm-lined comfort Khoes for (Jrandma. f t And Homethinjr for everybody. See our Big Display of Xmat Goods. PRATT DI10S. lliriCKLEY, UTAH I HEATING STOVES and RANGES Overcoats and Winter Underwear, Rubbers, Rub-bers, Arctics and a bijj line of Sboes. We have a big stock of seasonable goods See the Reed Rockers we are giving away, and learn bow you can get one. DAMItOfl & IIA17LEY - DESERET You can SAVE MONEY, FOR CHRISTMAS by taking ailvanUir of the ' 6 DAYS CASH HAIUJAIN SALE AT TIIK GOLDEN RULE STORE BEGINNING MONDAY, DECEMBER 16 Here are some of our bargains: Ladles Coat. 2 jht i'mt off. A dozen stI.-s, ami iii-h-e fr0in llo.oo up. Serge end Cashmere Dress Patterns, 1M percent off. ,toc per yard and up. ' Outing Flannel, K'9c per yard. Ladles For Collar and Muffs, a variety of styles m i 20 per cent off. Ladles and Children Night Oresses, heavy outing flannel. 44c up. Baby Blankets, three grades, gin! value, ss low as 4.V. Mavy 12.25 Wool Blankets, now f 1.80, other grades same reduction. All Shoes and Hats 20 per cent off. Schillings Bast Coffee 3e. 2 pounds Christmas Candy 2-V. Apples Jl.oo jx-r box. All decorated dishes 20 pr cent off. GEO. DAY - - . - DELTA HAVE Y0V GOT A WIFE 7 THE MOST ACCEPTABLE HOLIDAY GIFT YOU COULD MAKE HER WOULD BE Silverware and Docorated Chinawaro OUR SILVERWARE IS THE GENUINE TRIPLE-PLATED ONEIOA COMMUNITY GOODS. THE DECORATED WARE IS REAL JAPANESE THE LATEST DESIGNS, DELICATELY TINTED AND BEAUTIFULLY DECORAT. ED. SEE THEM AND YOU WILL APPRECIATE THEIR BEAUTY, VALUE AND PRICE.' ' v BISHOP & WALLACE DELTA THE JUAB HOTEL ,lias iwn mvhtly reianwl under new manaf eraent with new furnishings A FIRST CLASS TABLE CLEAN AND COMFORTABLE BEDS Special Attention to Automobile Trarelers LOUIS JOHNSON, Prop. . - JUAB 053,000.00 DEIIIG GIVEN AWAY . to llmne ini Hrt lli.-li ch1 represents- ' tive if EVE'O'I'OI'YH MAtiAINi: . and THE D I.INKATtH-all t ,. J clltion to IiIkthI c'iniM)iloni. f-t us how jou how you can Secure a Share ; aimply lv foi Hat.llnjf tin-.ulicri liunt ) of your fi ifii.ls and neiiilHirs and col- I lectins tlie renewals of otir pr snnt stile f ncrilier. Try fur thi Tills months I prizes. Tle-re are lot of prizes tlmt I can U' won only lv pTns livinir in town same i as jmr awn. Write at nc to Vu . ( BOTTERICX PUBLISKIKG COMPANY Hutterlck Uuiidio. New York City Order Your Well Now t Have Us Drive It ! We have a new outfit equipned with powerful 1 machinery and capahle of sinKing a well in the e shortest possible time. We guarantee a perinan- J ent and satisfactory flow of water , CLAWS0N & JUSTESEN . . DELTA set Table ware free ; Trade with us and you will fet a T-pi.ve k-I of aeml-orcelain ware free. t'ini in and we will show you how. Another attraction Is a fine line CHRISTMAS GOODS !; eon.i.tinjr of TOV8, I'ICTUItE 1KK8, OEMS, and everything elw to ple the y oun folks. A1m plenty of prr nts for tli oltJer one. ti Do Your Christmas Trading Early JENKINS BROS. . . Delta : |