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Show No Partiality. Barber What will you have on rour hair? Customer Don't get funny. I've got nore than one htlr. Barber So I see. Psrdon me; r neant what will you have on each irooklyn IJfe. Its Function. Jlmson What, In your opinion, la he true function of the modern news-. isperf Johnson To distract attention from rbat In current 1 terature are called be "best sellers." Real Proof. "Thst." said Mr. Dustln Btax, "is a. ' nagnlflcent art treasure." "How do you know? By the paint-r's paint-r's signature" "No. By my own signature on th beck I gave the dealer." Unusuat. "Was there anything remarkable bout the meeting of the Ethical Cul-. ore society last nlgbt?" "Yes; there were ten aaen present rbu didn't have college degrees of ay kind " Judge. |