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Show One Fisherman's Idea. First ADgler Look, thla fish was almost caught before; see the broken hook In its mouth. Second Angler It should have had sense enough to steer clear of books after that. First Angler Oh, come, you can't expect a flab to exhibit more senss than a human being. Made to-Order Kind. "My wife la always bringing home so much toothpowder," complained a man the other day to a friend. "Its a waste of money. As fur me I Just take the bathtub cleanser and scrub my teeth." The pair were walking down Chestnut Chest-nut street and his companion stopped In amazement. "What! fJoesn'jtt . hurt your teeth and gums, tooRJLii exclaimed almost In horror. "No," came back the surprising reply. re-ply. "You aej they're tboAiud you buy at the dentist's." I |