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Show I CHCCK IT IN TIME. ' Few i f-tiplt p'ullre the grave dan- . per of ih-kIi'i -Hub the kidneys. Tim j :'lU-!it.-t kidney trouble iimy bo Na-! Na-! tine's wim.lliil of dropsy, diabetes or fr.., dreaded Plight's dls ; i !f V,)" ,iave n' f ' Vw I k'll'H'y symptom, be-J. be-J. V",. P!" lX'Wn's Kid- liif1'' '' at on. a. ; '0 ft; VM- a. muck, f ' s '"""V St , Han- XZl A ( ford, ml., nays: "Pic-H" "Pic-H" ' t .it inn lying r r I ! pl-d with Inflammatory rheumatism . s'lnlo-n with dropsy, not able to ii"t" v. ii ul'li crutches. Sin li was , li'V condition whin I tin;ui using ! I loan's i;i,!tli y !:! , .,ius i,, jan. I. 'id l.n. )( had off I w is and I must give Jinan's Kidney Pilhi full , cr-dll fer n. v weinieif;.! icrovcry." i Keun ii In r (he name Iloan'ri. ' l'"r tl" by nil di alers, fl cents a i l. I'o.-.t. i- Mill. urn Co, Puff.ilo, N. Y. |