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Show BIERS REJECT PLANJORREGESS DEMOCRATIC MEMBERS WILL BE KEPT AT CAPITAL UNTIL SENATE SEN-ATE ACT8 ON CURRENCY. resident Believes the Presence of Members of House Will Have the E.fcct of Strengthening the Ad-mlnistrstlon's Ad-mlnistrstlon's Efforts. Washington The tt Democratic isjorlty in the house will be kept i Washington as a moral influence rer the slender Democratic control i tbe senate while tbe currency bill i under way, according to plans made riday by bouse leaders, who defl-Itely defl-Itely rejected, for the present at ant, the Idea of a thirty day re-(ss. re-(ss. After a conference with President Tlson, Representative A. Mitchell aimer, chairman of the- bouse cau-is, cau-is, declared no effort would be made r an extended recess for the house. It Is understood tbe president te-fves te-fves the presence for tbe House will ive the effect of strenKtbenlng the (ministration's effort to pms the irrency bill in the Senate. Freeh from Its triumphant passag i the bouse, the entrance of tbe ad-Intatratlon ad-Intatratlon currency bill to the sen-:e sen-:e was slgnallxed by a statement om Chairman Owen of the banking immlttee that he expected the meas e out of committee and on the Sf n-e n-e floor for action by October . |