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Show MISALIGNED WHEELS QUICKLY WEAR TIRES Many Miles of Perfectly Good Service Thrown Away. Thousands of perfectly good miles of tire service are thrown away actually by motorists. It Is all done lnnocentlyl on the part of the car owner through,' misalignment of wheels. Although the wheels are out of tine, no more than a quarter of an Inch, the! resultant damage will be death for the. tire before it has given nearly all of the service which was built Into It byj the manufacturer. When misalignment is extremely bad the motorist must notice it, but in the leaser cases It cannot be detected with' out at accurate tost Most up-to-date tire service stations are equipped with specially constructed instruments for testing alignments. Many gas filling stations also use them while the car. Is stopped to be filled with gasoline Almost aajr tire service station will tost alignment for the asking and will be glad to point out and correct tbej cause of trouble. When wheels are out of line for any. reason, the result is a scraping which sulekly wears away the tread surface. Instead of running strslght ahead and) accepting the natural traction surface' friction, the tire is compelled virtually! to akld along sideways. This condition frequently Is the fault of bent axles, but not always. It may be broken springs, loose spring1 shackles, sprung frames, loose steering knuckles, bent pinions, wornout bear-! lngs or wabbly heels. |