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Show KEELER, AT 80, GOES TO WORK - After fourteen y,ears of enforced Idleness because of 111 health, J. H. Keeler, widely-known , Maryland cltl-sen, cltl-sen, has gained forty pounds at the ge of eighty years and gone back to work every day. Mr. Keeler, who re-rides re-rides at 370 Thirty-Second St., Mt. Ranler, Md., gives entire credit for bis extraordinary rehabilitation to Tan-lac. Tan-lac. "My stomach was In such terrible condition I could hardly digest a thing," says Mr. Keeler. "it would well to nearly twice Its normal size and I would have frightful pains through my stomach and back. I felt so weak, dizzy and miserable work was out of the question. In fact, my friends gave me up on three or four cessions. "Five months ago I began taking Tanlac and Improved from the very : first bottle. I now eat anything on the taWe, have gained forty pounds, and am back at work every day. Actually, . I feel like a boy again. It would be ' ungrateful of me not to praise Tanlac." Tan-lac." Tanlac Is for sale by all good druggists. drug-gists. Accept no substitute. Over 37 tnllllon bottles sold. Tanlac Vegetable Pills are Nature's own remedy for constipation. For sole everywhere. Advertisement |