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Show ' ' " - v- " : ;. y '." v ' : . :v ' '''' V-- ' THE BINGHAM NEWS, BINGHAM. UTAH I MANAGER TRlS SPEAKER WAS USED I FOR SETTLEMENT OF GROUND RENT It Is a long call from being turned over ns ground rent to being the man-ager of a pennant-winnin- g ball team, but such Is the story of Trls Speaker. The Boston T.ed Sox bought Speaker in 1907 from Houston, Texas, and trained the' following spring nt Hot Springs. It frequently happens that a 'major league team gets its ground rent for training purposes in an agreement to leave a player when the training season ends. Tlmt was the system followed by the Boston club of 1908. When the Bed Sox started for home Speaker was singled out to remain In Little Rock. Mike Finn, later a scout for the Giants and Tigers, was man-aging the Little Rock Travelers of the Southern association. Finn, got many offers that year for Speuker, who developed rapidly into a star, and though he had no written agreement with Boston about returning the player, Finn felt that Boston should have first call on Tris. He turned down all offers, Tut the case up to John I. Taylor, then the owner of the Red Sox, and Speaker was repurchased. So the ground rental paid by the Boston owner In 1008 developed Into the manager of a world's series winner. Three Great Years. Charles ("Chuck") Camay, football and basketball star at the University ot Illinois, has Just ' completed a three-yea-r athletic career which Is un-doubtedly mora brilliant than that of any other Illinois ath-lete. He took part In sixteen Big Ten football games and. In 1920, he was selected as end on Walter Camp's team. BAINS 8 POUNDS IH r TWO WEEKS' TIME i ; Dyspepsia Entirely OvsrcemaTf Eats, 8leeps and r1 jr?-- ' :" Than In Years, 8ay, "oon--- ' Resident "I have actually gained eight pounds' In two weeks' time and am now eating better, sleeping better and feeling bet-ter than I hare In three or four years," said Mrs. Celesta Fell, 82 Prince street, Boston, Mass., recehtly, in telling of , the great benefits she has derived from the use of Tanlac. "My stomach was in such a bad fix before I took Tanlac that I did not ' dare eat much of anything, for If I did I would have so much pain and dls- - ' tress from Indigestion that I felt like I was going to die. I was so run down and weak from lack of nourishment . that I could not do my housework. ' "I was so nervous I couldn't keep still during the day nor sleep at night " ! I can see now If It had not been for " Tanlac I would have had to give up entirely. I am now feeling strong and healthy and all the credit belongs to Tanlac." . Tanlac Is sold by all good druggists. I I, i I ., .. .i That Luscious ; Raisin Toast! ANEW delicious breakfast bread. Full' ' -- t raisin toast! A new delight for the entire family. j Made with big, plump, tender, seeded raisins Sun-Ma- id brand. ; The raisin flavor permeates each slice. You can get such bread from any grocer or bate shop if you insist. No need to bake at home. j , Once try it and you'll always have this kind. 1 You'll serve it at least twice a week. . Fine food for business men and children due to. the energizing nutriment and the iron J ' of this famous, healthful fruit. ' Make dainty bread pudding with left-ov- er j slices. No need to waste a crumb. . f Order now for tomorrow's breakfast But ' be sure to say you want "one of those full- - ' fruited raisin loaves." ' : Sun-Mai- d f'Wwhjnj Make de,,ciou lred, Pie, puddingt, iffiH$Vllt C,kM' etC" A,k your Krocer ,hn. Send ' i S$kr It! r bk ",tecl rec,Pefc Sffiui'I Sun-Mai- d Raisin Growers' tjP Mtmbtnhip 13JD00 rPt- - N-3- -, Fresno, Calif. BluiFackagt FROM GIRLHOOD TO WOMANHOOD Woman Relied Upon Lydia . Pinkham'g Vegetable Compound Emporia. Kansas. "I began using jydia E. Pmkham'a medicines years ago 11 i had severe pains at ' I menstrual periods, ; , ' making me very j I weak and interfering i with my regular du- - v ' "ti t'ei-- several I'' "TTC ; III taining remedieswithoutob relief. I was i t induced to try Lydia . r.V 'I E. Pinkham's Vege-- I - , , - table Compound dj stored me to normal health, I often have occasion and do recommend your Vegetable Compound to my friends who have troubles similar to my own. Yoa may use these facts as a testimonial. Kansas. There are many women who first used our Vegetable Compound during their pirlhooa days. They found it a valuable help during trying periods. In later years they use it wnenever they feel those annoying symptoms which women often have. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicants (or Insurance Often Rejected. JuJjing from reports from druggists who are constantly in direct touch wit the public, there is one preparation that has been very successful in overcoming theao conditions. The mild and healing influence of Dr. Kilmer'a Swamp-Roo- t ia aoon realized. It stands the highest tor its remarkable record of success. An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Companies, ia an interview on the subject, made the as-tonishing statement that one reason why , so many applicants for insurance are re-- j jected is because kidney trouble ia so common to the American people, and the large majority of those whose applica-- j tions are declined do not even sunpect ) that they have the disease. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root ia oa sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer 4 Co., Rin(thn ton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. Wher writing be sure and mention this paper. Advertisement Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION fO 6 Bellans X&-z-J Mot water ' Slj1EPI Sure Relief 25i and 75t Packages. Everywhere Shave, Bathe and Shampoo with one Soap. Cuticura Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-pound is a woman's medicine. It is pre-pared carefully from the best quality of medicinal plants, whose properties are especially adapted tocorrectthe troubles women nave. OHIO I I LI MLLCn attracts anokilui iA i A ''.JS ALA, IIK8. HrmX. SVfCflS-'- ' 4.' "t f d ei",ornMiUl.r VW1W.W I'- "' Wx. of 1 'rSfaXiri i'p" : not a mi' "f S MLjtTWr. fi op in.mt snrthin. filil. nil ill prrpt d. n.a HAUOUJ OVHtM. iw IH Ltib Arm., Brookljrs, tt. T. LlllUf O I sbort bmthlnv r livred in lew hoursi welling: reduced in few daysi reiiulme the liver, kidney, siumach nd tieattt puriiir (lie blood.nrc nK'.hen (he entire y.tem. Writ for free Trial Treatment. COUUH DBOm mtW Cd,'0ept X.O., ITUKTA, CI MAN'S BEST AGE A man is as old as his organs; he can be as vigorous and healthy at 70 as at 35 if he aids his organs in performing their functions. Keep your vital organs healthy with GOLD MEDAL IbXJ PARKER'S I l&'SM "AIR BALSAM ' 1 HioniUelrVeiUas Sl l Rrrttvm Culor end L "'''ihiOeT o(',rr end Faded iUit ...I "rr,.x-- m. T Koauvea tVtrne, Cni, , hii-- . nt ,ib. n,i.nu r. mt;r (o tMe e eut.x auisr t. IV .t m.il k l hiif. j Title, llwei(.lMu.(ai Wrk,l'trliutfUe.M. X. ' ORTf!TQ Wslson R. rirp,n .! I k4 9 kill I lii.ilj"Tr,vViv,hl.u'.u ; Artlen b.,oli7r. Mtatmueukti liUuivrituuuuet Jbwt.Mrrie. D I;- - C O L - Q un UllONS CUTS ITCH SORfcti 75c t i(for,; 85c by mail. Address New Y< Drug Concern. New York W. N. tj., Sal'i Lake City, No. 25 1922. ALLEN'S FOOT-EAS- E j FOR THE FEET ; Sprinkle one or two Allen's FootEae powders in the Foot llnth and soak and nd) tlie foet. It t:len the Htini out of Corns nml I'.uiiiorm nnd srnartinK, Jiching Then fr lasting comfort, shake Al- - FiMit Fax into your shorn, ft takes the friction from the fhoe, rents the feet nnd nmkf" walkinn a dcbitlit. Always iie it for daninn parties nnd to break in new hois. Over One Million l ive Hundred llioie md Miiiudx of Powder for the Feet were imed by "ur Army and N.ivy during the v.;ir. la Pinch, Use ALLEN'S FOOT EASE The world's standard remedy for kldnsy, liver, bladder and uric add troubles sine 1696; corrects disorders; stimulates viul organs. All drugpBts, thres sUea. Look fat the nm CdM MJt on ry bn mrti accept oa imiuiiun P 1 n in repl- - oM. Tonlf lVn't rt flil. jrt f H;iti toif ir nurh miir lrH,u,ni. At Il (rt'fKl t, 7. o. VETERAN OF PIRATES IS LEADING PITCHER "Babe" Adams of Pittsburgh Takes Care of Himself. . Han't Any Special Rules far Keeping Himself In Shape, but Goes Along Smoothly About His Work , Loves Baseball. "I'ltchers may come and pitchers may go, but I go on forever." Tlmt might well be the slogan of Bube Adams, veteran Pirate hurler who is one of the leading National league stars and who is largely re-sponsible for keeping the Pirates ia the pennant race. " CSl1 i?.JE2Ty- - Yor years he has been feeding feni over ia the big league, and for nine years before that he was In the minors. "I haven't any special rules for keeping In Bliape," he says. 1 eat what I want, but regularly, and I get plenty of sleep. I have always taken good care of myself, and it has mighty well repaid me. When other fellows S3a5 j "Babe" Adams. with whom 1 started are all In, their physical powers burned up, I go along feeling like a youngster. "I love baseball, and I'm going to keep on playing ns long as the old wing wilt stand for It "I don't know why my arm holds up so well unless It's the way I grip the ball. Most pitchers, you know, grip the bull as tightly as possible, thinking they can get more break on It that way. "I always have made It a practice to hold the ball loosely. I believe It gives me better control, and It certain-ly Is easier on the arm." Not Custodians. ' ' At the town meeting of a small place "up country" a citizen made a motion that was seconded in an astonishing way. "Mr. Moderator," he said, "I move that the town set aside money for three cuspidors to be stationed at prop. ' er places." At that an old fellow in the rear of the hall who was hard of hearing rose stiffly to his feet. "I second the mo-- :. tlon," he said, "and I move that Jack . Davis be made one of 'em I" "This Can't Be True." A traveling man had missed his train and went back home. He took his keys out of his pocket, opened the door, and to his great surprise his wife sat sitting on his best friend's lap and kissing him. "Smith, I've set a trup for yon and caught you I" shouted the husband. Smith replied: "With bait like this you can catch me any time." Ex-change. Cutfcura for Pimply Faces. To remove pimples and blackheads smear them with Cuticura Ointment Wash off In five minutes with Cuti-cura Soap and hot yater. Once clear keep your skin clear by using them for dally toilet purposes. Don't fail to de Cuticura Talcum. Advertisement PASSING OF PITCHER ELLER Former Cincinnati Star Lost His Ef-fectiveness When Freak Deliveries Wtrs Barred. The abolition of all freak deliveries rns largely Instrumental In the pass-ing of "Hod" Eller from the majors. Filer, who was sent to the Oakland club of the Pacific Coast league by Cincinnati, was the sensation of the National league In 1019. In the world series with the Chicago White Sox he won national fame by itrlklng out six of the White Sox In succession. Filer was a trick pitcher. That Is, be got a hop or brpnk on his fast ball ?J ' hi- - JvMrM "Hod" Eller. by means of doctoring the sphere. Na-tional leaguers always insisted he used powdered emery on the ball. This wns always denied by but the fact remains that after the freak deliveries were abolished he lost I his effectiveness. I , The Situation Daughter, I forbid you marrying this man. He hasn't a dollar In the world." ' v "Well, dad, If he hasn't a dollar he can't get a license." Practically All. Governor Alteo of ICunsns, who Is o. ardent, and diHcreej book collector, was 'criticizing the wiVk of a western novelist. "The man's early work was good." I nald. "but his work today is wretched. Literature once, it is now were potboillng .trash. "This. writer's' case Is the case of practically all our writers. They be-gin with a wealth of thought and they end with a thought of wealth." 1 -.- Fred Knw Johnny. Fred Smith was Uadly crippled, physically; but his indomitable spirit kept him on a par with other lads of his ase. He Joined the pig club, and took care of his pig with greut skill and enthusiasm. One day I overheard Fred talking to his crony, and this is what he Bald: "John Mitchell says bis pig Is big-ger-'s mlnel" And then In a tone of great scorn lie added: "I'll bet if we swapped he'd still suy his was the biggest I" Farm Life. There Is nothing more divine In the world than simple humanity. ! Literal. . Persistent Commercial Traveler fM hnw, 4r, I have quite a new de-parture --s Busy Manufacturer GooJ ! Let me ee you do it j " The wortil tldng about the man with one Idea Is that the Idea Is Neldotn Mg enough. Baseball Notes St. Paul American Association club sold Inflelder Mark Koenlg to the Wa-terto- (S. D.) club of the Dakota league. Jimmy Mattox, former Rochester backstop, looks good In a Pittsburgh uniform this year. He Is booked for a long stay In the majors. The world's supply of Ivory obtained from elephants Is said to be almost ex-hausted, but why worry with an an-nual growth In the number of baseball umpires 1 Rees ("Steamboat") Williams pitcher with the St. Paul American association basebalf team, has jumped to the Eveleth team of the Mesaba Range league. Walter Hammond, second baseman, purchased by Cleveland from the Pitts-fiel-d, Mass., Eastern league team last winter, has been released to the Pitts-burgh Nationals. , Sometimes the comedy stuff of base-ball becomes a reality. Heathcoate, Centerfielder for the Cards, was knocked out by a fly which struck hlra on the head. This is Pilette's first year in the big show. He Is a strapping right-hande- r with a fast-breakin- g curve. Ills con-trol Isn't much to brag of, but outside that he looks pretty good. The poor showing of the Detroit team has not caused President Navln of the Detroit club to change his plans for adding another deck to the grand stand at Nnvln field. Southpaw Harry Courtney, from the Senators, Joined the Chlsojc, via the well-know- n waiver route. He was ridden by district fans and ought to go better with the Glensotis. The Pittsburgh Pirates are said to have offered the Minneapolis club $20,-(M-for Rob Russell, with the idea of using the former White Sox pitcher In the ( utflcld If he can be landed. The shock of the season In the Coast leugne Is the rise of Duffy Lewis' Snlt Lake P.ees. They were generally picked for the cellar, but now are considered a troublesome bunch, e e Connie Muck's pitching and the club's hitting has surprised the critics this season, with the result they are pl-k- - lug the Philadelphia entry to make things hot for the other second vision entries. Art Fletcher of the Phillies does not seem to have been affected by his year's layolf. T lie former (Jlaut star a hlttliig the ball right on the none and is the key to WUheltn's fast iind youthful Iniu'ld. WlU'VI't Itolilnsnn'S liojie fnr gnnil pitching limy come true alter nil the I. ml start. It will he rciiiemhered that P.i'ooMyn's chance" were niid to alni'wt entirely mi the sort of pitching it got. ' Press usetit stuff, say cm ion critics v, hen S;in Francisco boost t (ien Valla, but propagnu'ht doesn't make hits or 1'iiti'h long Hies, unci they have to nd-im- t tliat the box kcu- t.;ii.- a story j that can't he ileal, d. . J INTERESTING SPORT NOTES Jack Dempsey. wearing that English monocle, could probably get a Job In any shipyard. Marshall Field III of Chicago has purchased the three-year-ol- d filly, Emo-tion, by Friar Hock-Affectio- for $25, 000. a The Williams track team has elect-ed Clifton H. Stowers, '23. of South Weymouth, Mass., as captain for next year. Humors of a $."0,000 match race be-tween Morvlch and Sennlngs Pnrk, hondlcnp horse of the Westmount sta-ble, ore false. A "Jack IcmpMy to Marry American fJIrl." And this after his return from Ktirope, where he wus "courted by roy-alty." There's a patriot for you I e Miss Cecil I,o!teh, Pritlsh woman golf champion, won over Mrs. Norman Craig In the ladles' open golf rhnm-plrmshl- p tournament at. Sandwich, Kng-lan-e Milton Roitmey, former Maroon star, has signed to assist In coaching nt the I'nlxerslty of Texns at Austin. He will report to I'nlverslty of Texas on Sep-tcmh- er 10. ' For the irt time In the history of the Italian Lawn Tennis association that organization will be olllclally rep-resented I" the Prltlsh tennis cham-pionships at Wimbledon this siiinuior. Charges made by th Todd's Ship-yard soccer team that they were mis-treated In the final national c:iii gams at St. Fouls were not substnurlntcd by the Fnlted States Socctrf Ifuot J!aU os soclntion. A Threatened Strike. Bobble Pop, you pave uie a nickel to keep qnlot an hour and the hour's up. Pop llon-'- s a nickel for another hour. Don't bother m. Itobble Double pay for overtime. , ERECT BIG GYM AT WILLIAMS Structure to Cost S500.CC0 to Ba Built for Physical Education of Un-dergraduates. Williams co!lej;e will erect a $."O0,-00- 0 field gymnasium for the physical education of Its COO undergraduate, it was announced nt local Wllllums hendqnurters. WllllsiuiM, which claims the distinc-tion of being the first college in Amer-ica to build a gymnasium or to train thi student body ns a whole, now will have a structure with all facilities for outdoor and Indoor exercises. Includ-ing Indoor diamond, squash court, ten-nl- s court and basketball floors, hockey rink, gridiron and trucks. Hot Thrills. I ten -- My father makes a living giv-ing the pulilic thrills. tiiven An aviator? pen No, a fire alarm salesman. Science and Invention. For jenrs new exier!onces are sought, and after that old ones are lodjred. . BOWLING ONCE AGAINST LAW Game Was Originally Nine-Pin- s and Was Called "Closhe" Populsr Gambling Sport. Howling oncp was forbidden by law. The game was origiu.-i!l- nine d!i.s and was called "ilosli;','' the clc.'.id-tio-being given as "('loshe, the game fit nine-pins- ; forbidden by statute, unno 17 Kdward IV." The prohibition was afterward wltbdruwa and the guniit became popular. It wan once also n popular gambling game in the Failed States, und in sonic states uas prohibited by law. The law was evad-ed by adding another pin nnJ calling U ten pins. |