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Show SERVING TABLE FOR AN AUTOMOBILE it " i tmmumvuW--ergyriwTyr. i . , -i..!f : --,: ' . '""Sv ;'; i t -.. J i .'""'.. ' i": .".; I ... I A iu"si r.iyseit id t'bieago has just invented an iiutitiiiohile .M-rving I able, which will greatly add to the enjoyment of autoists, and when not In imo can be utilised by pieiii'-l:ei-s. The table tits on' (he side-ef the car and lunch or refreshments can be served on it. When t:U In use it can be folded and Occupies ery Utile room. I The pkotogrnpb shows one of the tables being used on an r.iromoli.'la |