Show Colo Teachers Humble Wyo Cowboys Earn Chance at Eastern Title By M M. M J. J A. A The Eastern Rocky Mountain hoop race is in somewhat the same saine condition as the V Western estern after the humiliation the Wyoming Cowboys took at the hands of the fighting Colorado Teachers last Friday 38 to 23 at the latter's gymnasium in Greeley While B. B Y U. U and Utah are struggling to end the remainder o of the season with no more defeats I the Cowboys and Teachers on the theother theother theother other side of the hills will endeavor or to do likewise At the present time the Cowboys have lost two games and won ten while the Teachers have lost two and won eight If the Colorado boys can finish the season up with no more defeats they will end in a tie with the Wyoming Gagers providing of course that the former champs lose loseno loseno no more games Friday the Teachers gave the champs the real drubbing of their careers The Greeley boys took an early lead and led the Cowboys the entire game all but a few minutes in the second quarter The teachers teach teach- ers had Wyoming guessing the entire entire entire en en- tire encounter Many critics stated stated stated stat stat- ed after the meet that Colorado displayed the strongest defense the Cowboys have ever had to cope with The wide nation-wide famous Witte Cowboy forward was held well under under under un un- un- un der check by the Teachers' Teachers defense He usually scores anywhere from ten to thirty points per game but was forced to come out of this tussle tussle tussle with four tallies chalked up to his name Kimball husky Cowboy guard was high point man for the losers with five points By this one can see what a stubborn defense defense defense de de- de- de the Teachers have |