Show Interpreter Of OJ Ballad to 0 App Appear ar Here Hereof One of the thc country's rys ry's foremost American ballad artists and historians historians historians his his- John A. A Lomax will be featured in a lecture and recital of American songs and ballads Tuesday February 21 in Kingsbury Kingsbury Kingsbury Kings- Kings bury Hall at p. p m. m Mr Lomax has appeared before I audiences throughout the United I States presenting the spirit of folk songs by recital and singing I rather than by the conventional lecture lie He has appeared before all of the major college audiences throughout the country He will present the origin and history of the popular American I ballad and capable of arousing great enthusiasm in his audiences which are arc usually induced to accompany accompany ac accompany ac- ac company him him in several of his hissong hissong song Each day enthusiastic report re- re port come t tc the offices of the Extension Division offices from rom people who have heard him sing Dr S. S B. B B.- B. Neff says Lomax knows the cowboy songs and ballads ballads ballads bal bal- lads better perhaps than any anyone one else in America He also Knows how to present them to his audiences audiences audiences audi audi- in an entertaining and pleasing pleasing pleasing pleas pleas- ing way The twenty-five twenty cent admission price will hold if students purchase their tickets before Tuesday at five No tickets will be besold besold besold I sold at the door for this price The regular price is fifty cents Tickets I Imay may be purchased at the Extension Extension Exten Exten- sion Division offices in the L building |