Show Ultimatum For Photos Set All pictures for the 1934 Uto Uto- nian must be tal taken en by Tuesday February 28 according to Elbert Sheffield editor Following that date it will be he absolutely imp impossible impossible imp os os- os sible to arrange for a photo sit sit- it- it ting All possible leeway has already been given Sheffield stated Monday Monday Monday Mon Mon- day and no possible arguments will avail Organizations are es especially especially especially es- es requested to have their photos taken before that time if they wish to make a good showing in the annual Those students who have not handed in their choice of proofs must do so immediately If they do not comply with this request the staff will be forced to make maIm a choice of or the proofs To encourage the sale of books arrangements have been made tha entitle all all' students who purchase books to have a free class cluss photo sitting at Eckers Ecker's studio In order that the staff will know how many books to print Dick Barker business manager of the especially asks s that students hurry and buy their books |