Show ot lP a n t Bishop A. A O. O Gardner was a Salt Lake City visitor last week end Mr and Mrs Lewis Rawlinson and daughter Deanne visited with relatives in Delta during the week end They returned to Provo Sunday Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day where Mr Rawlinson is employed employed employed em em- by the Provo City School District Mrs Walter Carlton from Milford was a Delta last week Seaman Stanley Eugene Clark came on furlough from Farragut Idaho last week to visit with his parents Carl Dorius visited in Salt Lake City over the week-end week and attended attend attend- ed the wedding of his brother Moyle Joe Snow and son Harold visited visited visited visit visit- ed last week end in ManU Mantl with Mr Snows Snow's father Mrs George Church Jr returned home this week from Salt Lake where she underwent an operation Mr and Mrs Glenn Horton and family spent last weekend in Oakley Oakley Oakley Oak Oak- ley Utah Mr and Mrs Oakland Dutson Mr 1 and Mrs Leigh Maxfield and Fred Keim Keirn spent last week end in Salt Lake City Mrs Harry Rolls Jr the former Artie Gardner and little daughter Sidney Patricia are visiting in Delta Delta Delta Del Del- ta and Oak City with her parents Mr and Mrs E. E E JG Gardner and Mr and Mrs John E E. Lovell Mrs Ila ha of Los Angeles and Mr and Mrs Elder Clark from Baltimore visited the week end with Mr and Mrs A. A L. L Morrill Merrill Mrs Katherine Daley left Monday Monday Monday Mon Mon- day for Los Angeles to visit for a afew afew afew few weeks with her daughter Mrs D D. Earnie Nelson of Salt Lake City has spent the last week as a guest of Mrs Lafe Morley She returned to her home Sunday and from there she will leave shortly to join her husband in Chicago Mr and Mrs Noble Noble Peterson went to Fillmore Tuesday to spend the day with Mr Petersons Peterson's mother moth moth- er Tuesday was Nobles Noble's birthday Mr and Mrs Krit Petty are spending a few days in Delta this week |