Show LYNNDYL S Robert Larson son of oC Mrs Myrtle Neilson of oC Leamington is home on ona ona ona a furlough Robert joined the air corps and has been stud studying ing at a n gunnery school in the south Mr and Mrs G. G C. C Gunn announce announce an an- flounce the marriage of oC their daughter Mar Mary to Mr Hugh W. W White of Los Angeles Calif CaliCo The wedding will take place next month A party was given in honor of the birthday of oC Joseph Cling and andS S Harr Harry Wilkie at the home of Mr and Mrs drs Reed Larsan Those present present present pres pres- ent were Mr and Mrs Harry Wll- Wll Ide kic Mr and Mrs Pendray Pendra Mr and Mrs Larson Mr and Mrs Ellice Thompson Mr and Mrs Roy Clark Mr and Mrs Jos Clinge ClInger Mr and Mrs Torn Cambell Mr and Mrs Harry McArdell Mr and Mrs Gronning Bridge was played and lunch was served Mr and Mrs Roy Tompson and Mrs Ellice Thompson returned from Los Angeles where they have been spending their vacation and visiting with their brother Gorden who just finished a course in the 5 army an and expect to be sent oversea In Jn the near future The Relief Society of the Lynndyl Lynnr Lynndyl Lynn- Lynn r dyl ward gave a V very r fine annual party in honor of the anniversary of the society A very fine program programS S was given and lunch was served after which a dance was given and three pretty quilts were auctioned off |