Show Dixie Annexes Regional I Basketball Title I The playing fast-playing team from Dixie won the title In the round robin I play at Beaver this weekend by winning from Beaver Friday night 61 to 33 and from Hurricane the second night 51 to 26 Hurricane took second Delta third and Beaver Beav Beav- er fourth place The Delta team met Hurricane Friday night and lost to that team 38 to 24 Beaver and Dixie played the first night and Beaver lost 61 I to 33 Saturday night Delta won I from from Beaver t this his Ii i s district chamI champion champion cham cham- pion 41 to 33 38 I Fans who viewed the games say sayi i that Delta Della was definitely off In InI its game with Hurricane but that I they played an excellent game against Beaver the following night In the Beaver game Delta led 8 to 10 points up to the last 3 or 4 minutes minutes minutes min min- utes when Beaver staged a rally and looked as though they would pass the Delta team Black and i Turner had been taken from the I II I game b before fore this rally and were I put back in to stop it They were I successful and the score ended close although Delta Ii had a d had a comfortable lead most of the game The star all-star team picked from j those playing in the round robin I IDelta was composed of Eldon Fullmer Delta and Leon Watson Vatson Dixie forwards Ken Reber Dixie center Carlson Terr Terry Hurricane and Virgil Virgil Virgil Vir Vir- gil Goodwin Beaver guards Watson Watson Watson Wat Wat- son of Dixie was also chosen as the outstanding player of the tour tour- The box scores of the Delta Delta games follows I Delta G T F P Black f 4 G 6 2 10 I Fullmer f 1 6 3 5 51 Turner B urner c L 3 1 3 I Cahoon g 0 2 0 0 D. D Fullmer g 2 2 0 4 I g 1 0 0 2 Edward g 0 1 0 0 Totals 9 20 6 24 Hurricane G T F P f 5 3 1 1 Stratton f 0 0 2 0 0 Jennings c 3 6 3 9 Terry g 4 2 1 9 I Allred g 3 3 1 7 Langston f 1 1 0 0 2 f 0 1 0 0 A. A Hirschi g 0 0 0 0 B. B Hirschi s 0 0 0 0 I i I Totals 16 17 6 38 Score by Quarters HURRICANE 16 22 30 38 38 DELTA 5 12 19 24 Officials Officials Osborne Osborne and 4 Delta G T F P Black Dlack f 4 5 3 11 E. E Fullmer f 3 2 1 7 Turner s 6 6 2 0 12 Cahoon g 0 5 4 4 D. D Fullmer g 3 2 1 7 Pace f 0 1 0 0 Finlinson g 0 O 0 0 0 0 Totals 16 17 9 41 Beaver G T F P Ashworth f 2 5 2 6 Goodwin f 7 6 0 14 I Barton c 3 3 3 9 Joseph g 0 0 0 0 Gillies g 4 3 0 8 Smith g 0 1 1 1 Lindsay g 0 0 0 0 I I II Totals 16 18 6 38 Score by Quarters I I BEAVER 9 15 24 38 DELTA 12 28 30 41 11 Officials Osborne Officials Osborne and Kirby I |