Show I I I I I Wedding Reception At Hinckley Mr and Mrs Hugh Hilton entertained entertained entertained enter enter- at a wedding reception for their daughter Eva who was re recently recently recently re- re married and a farewell party party party par par- ty for their son Verl VerI who leaves this month for Oakland to join the Coast Patrol The party was held at the Hilton Hilton Hilton Hil Hil- Hil- Hil ton home from 4 to 8 p. p m. m Satur Satur- day Many people called during the afternoon and evening Lunch was served and the young couple received many useful and lovely gifts Mr and Mrs Hugh Hilton Lt and Mrs MrS' George Roberts were In Inthe Inthe inthe the receiving line and Verle to greet the thc guests The couple re returned returned returned re- re turned to Ogden Sunday where they are both working in Hill F Field eld |