Show Stake Opera era eran In n Hinckley Wednesday Nig Night i iThe t The stake opera The Gypsy Rover was presented In Hinckley Hinckley Hinckley Hinck Hinck- ley V Wednesday evening to a crowd that filled the to more than its capacity Many people who were unable to get in are waitIng waiting waiting wait wait- ing to see the second performance which will be in the Delta high school auditorium tonight Thursday Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- day at A romantic musical comedy of three acts which unravels a clever plot of gypsy camp life and the story of Lady Constance and English English English Eng Eng- lish woman who falls in love with witha I a gypsy rover With the proud and noble Englishman Sir George Martindale Martindale Mar- Mar objecting to his daughters daughter's I interest in the gypsy the action I moves on with cleverness and Interest in interest interest In- In terest to the third act when the gypsy rovers rover's true identity is proven pro en and he becomes a successful composer and wins Lady Constance for his wife Lady Constance played by Mrs Louise H. H Black of Abraham turned out a splendid performance Her solos won the hearty applause of the entire audience Cluff Talbot of Hinckley playIng playing playing play play- ing the part of the gypsy rover and later Sir Gilbert Howe sang well his solos and duets with Lady Constance especially their Just Love The audience reacted to his songs with much applause Mrs Irs Phyllis Bennett playing the part of the old won am won people over with her fine interpretation interpretation tati tation n of her solo The Gypsy Love Song Orlando Hepworth as Megs Meg's husband husband husband hus hus- band in his song with Meg Long Long ong Ago and his duet duct with Sinfo I Ia a gypsy lad lived his part with I ease and cleverness I Ithe l Merlene le lethe Law of oC Delta playing the he bele beale of the gypsy camp and Sinfo info a lad in love with her and played by Ben Robison both turned turned turned turn turn- ed out splendid performances with their heir singing and acting Melvin Robins as an English captain captain cap- cap tain ain and Anna Beth Harris who I were vere in love were clever and did their heir part well Ray Western Vestern of Deseret as Lady Constance's father added much to the he opera with his deep voice and dignity as an In English gentleman Nelson Clark as Lord Craven added added added ad ad- ded humor to the scenes He was wasa a typical English fop in words and action Jay Gardner Grant Pratt and Lawrence awrence Hilton completed t the h e cast and did their small parts well The solo gypsy dance by Mary Stewart the love dance by Helen Bliss BUss and Denese Theobald the dance by the gypsy robbers and the he dance of the fairies was enjoyed enjoy enjoy- ed by everyone The chorus had volume and added added added add add- ed color to the performance with their heir beautiful gypsy costumes and andin andin in n the last acts their formal dress dress- es Those in the chorus were Love Ruth Talbot Erma Cropper Eva Miller Wanda Vanda Beckwith Beth Laura Robinson Manon Robison Florence Robins Hinckley Gwendolyn Petty Helen I Fullmer Wanda Vanda Barnes Lucille Stephenson Stephenson Ste- Ste Clara Stewart Mary Stewart Stewart Stewart Stew Stew- I art DeLoIse Robins Dorothy Sampson Sampson Sampson Sam Sam- Jess Beckstead Ray Owens Dee Roy Hilton Grant I Pratt Jay Hilton Terry Lee Pratt Harlan Hilton Dwight Moody and Lucille Horton The directors Ladd and Erma Cropper and accompanist M a y 0 I Cropper after two months of hard i d work should be complimented for forthe forthe the performance as a whole I Due to the large crowd expected tonight in Delta the directors ask ask that children under twelve do not attend I |