Show TIPS p tO o Gardeners r GARDENING AS HOBBY 1 GARDENING ARDE as a hobby can 1 V be e ma made te to pay excellent div div- As an example a n Missouri Missouri Missouri Mis Mis- woman reports she made a anet anet anet net profit of from her two- two thirds-acre thirds garden in a single sea son Figured at market prices food used fresh was food canned 80 and food stored 71 Seed and sets cost her only 20 There are two major requisites to obtaining garden profits of this kind They are willingness to work and the use of quality seed It is important also to devote considerable space to multiple purpose purpose purpose pur pur- pur- pur pose crops like beets onions and tomatoes tomatoes crops crops that can be used in a variety of ways Here briefly are the uses of principal purpose multi-purpose crops Onions Onions Onions On On- ions green as relish mature i. i bulbs fried stewed or as seasoning seasoning seasoning season season- ing bulbs for pickle and relish making tops for seasoning bulbs for storage Tomatoes fresh fruits for slicing or stewing for immediate table use for canning or for making tomato juice or tomato to tomato to- to tomato mato catsup green tomatoes for frying or for use in pickle relishes relishes relishes rel rel- rel- rel or in pie filler like mince mincemeat m meat at yellow fruits for preserves juice or immediate table use Cabbage fresh Cabbage fresh in slaw or salad salad salad sal sal- ad cooked for table use canned as kraut or stored Beets tops Beets tops for greens roots cooked fresh canned pickled or stored |