Show I New York Heartbeat Memos of or a l H. H I. I Phillips' Phillips book of his best and stuff will be christened On White or Rye Harpers will publish publish publish pub pub- lish shortly The dedication To ToMy ToMy ToMy My Portable Typewriter U. U S S. S Route No 1 Hedy Lamarr the Tri Tri- borough Bridge Authority and to all victims of serious writing everywhere everywhere everywhere every every- where The wags say that Broadway producers looking for rich backers now introduce Jock Whitney as Meet John Dough The used car market is being flooded by drafted youths who wont won't be able to use their jalopies for a year Kurt Sell the correspondent correspondent correspondent corre corre- in Washington called Berlin Ber Ber- Berlin lin and transmitted the Presidents President's speech from the advance release When he finished phoning he was told the long-distance long charges were which which includes the DEFENSE DEFENSE DEFENSE DE DE- tax taxi The Big Parade Katharine Cornell Cornell Cor Cor- I nell the living definition of an Actress Actress Actress Ac Ac- tress Arthur and Boris Karloff two immigrants immigrants immigrants I grants now eligible for membership in the Six-Footers' Six Club Ben Grauer the NBC announcer treating treating treating treat treat- ing a group of British children evacuees to ice-cream ice in Radio City's drugstore The soldier in uniform dropping backstage backstage backstage back back- stage at Panama Hattie who turned out to be Private Winthrop Rockefeller Sallies in Our Alley AIley They were gabbing about Jack Bennys Benny's tired look and his new radio contract which raised his weekly wage to nearly So USo what said a cynic He has no peace of mind because hes he's dizzy from thinking up new twists to old jokes That's the hard way of making an easy living Youre all wrong interrupted Goodman Ace of The Easy Aces Bennys big worry is that hell he'll drop all the way down to Second Place Chinatown Charlie says that a success is a fellow who keeps smiling smiling smiling smil smil- ing at those he can afford to laugh at South American News Ticker F. F D. D R. R endeared the people of Chile to North Americans when he ordered Senora Davila flown home in a bomber His invitation to the son of the President of Paraguay Paraguay Paraguay Para Para- guay stricken with infantile paralysis paralysis paralysis paral paral- ysis to Warm Springs will Springs will always be affectionately remembered Another fine Ambassador of GoodWill GoodWill Good- Good Will is Ambassador Winant's son-in- son law Carlos a young scientist scientist scientist from Peru A newsreel company is sending camera news to every country in South America America- so that all of us will get to know each other a lot of better ls l's casting of or Simon Bolivar Bolivar Boli Boli- var the South American George Washington has caused considerable considerable considerable consider consider- able excitement excitement-as as much as there was over The fans have turned down Clark Gable He didn't look like their hero it seems Robert Taylor is announced announced announced an an- for Cor the role Incidentally Incidentally tally Warners spent plenty of money doing research on Bolivar only Bolivar only to lose their to Metro Paramount News is sending John formerly assigned to Eastern Europe Europe to to Rio and Buenos Aires All South American stars will appear in the Dolores Del Rio picture pic- pic ture which is to be made in Mexico City They make an attractive perfumed water in Rio with a real orchid inside the bottle The Federal Housing Administration tion films are a big hit down there They like to see Americans living I in simple homes costing 2500 in instead instead instead in- in I stead of Hollywood palaces We Weare I Iare are rah with South American I colors such as Argentine Navy Brazilian Brazilian Brazilian Bra Bra- White and Chile Bean Red But they do not wear them down there there only only black white and gray If you'd beat the Nazis then remember when youre you're shopping that all the things that used to come from Slovakia Czecho-Slovakia Poland France and Austria are now made by South Americans dishes glasses alligator belts silver woolen wool wool- en mufflers and pipes The Astoria Waldorf-Astoria Hotel Dotel in New NewYork NewYork NewYork York City has two floors strictly for South Americans where all the waiters and maids speak Spanish or Portuguese Portuguese-an an idea thought up by Mrs Blanca Steinman who runs it There is a corner in the lobby over at the Taft Hotel just Hotel just for South Americans too Ruth Reeves who put Guatemala on our fashion map is doing the same job for Ecuador and Peru Make a note of or this and tell everybody everybody every every- body you can Chilean wine is asgood asgood as asgood good as Rhine wine Same grapes and mid no money goes to That Man Dr Ampara Arcaya of Chile on the staff of J Johns olms Hopkins Hopkins Hop Hop- kins Hospital wears earrings as large as a quarter Chilean women who get their clothes from New York never press them The creases show they're imported Senora Felipe Espil wife of the Argentine Argentine Argentine Ar Ar- gentine Ambassador was born right here in the United States States but but she looks more Latin than the Senoritas |