OCR Text |
Show M .''- 'IVIIj HKItVU'K KXA.MI.VATIOX BBa BB An examination for clerk nnci car- BM , ' ;' rlcr will be hold nl the post odlco BB in (Mia city on Mnich C, (I920. BB Ago limit 18 to in yeurs on the BB'''' . . ,,atc "f the examination. W - Married women will not he ndmit- BB ,''i'-ii ' ,t, ,0 ",B examination, TIiIb prohl- BBBB m l '-' bltlon, howevur 1ooh not apply to bbBm B tvciMiun who urc divorced, but they BbS B - c, rc eligible for nppolntmcnt only as BB BBJ Applicants must ho physically BBj koumiI, and ninlo applicants must Uo BB , j '' . not less than C feet i Inches In height BBj 's '. ' in faro foot, nnd wolgh not less than BB 3 25 pounda without overcoat or hat. ; ,. .Ago limits nd height nnd weight re- fB , tiiilrcments nro wnlved In the caso of BB '(-, 4 jf ' honorably discharged soldiers, sailors HB .jjl :-';"j and marines. ' I'nr nppllactlon blanks nnd for full BBF -i ' Information relative to the cxnmln- BBr atlons, (inullflcatloiiH, duties, salaries BBJ' vacittlons, proniotlons, etc., address, BBj' Immedlateb', Secretary, llonul of Clv- BBt .v . " Hcrvlco Examiners, Post Otllce, Lo- BBj Kan, Utah. HHH' .. . m 9 - BB& |