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Show BUY TIRES 1 J1Y NAME Motorists Learnlns That Price Is Not tho Only Thin? to Ho Considered. According to Nells R. Broby the local lo-cal distributor for Savage tires and Oratlnlto tubes, motorlstB aro rapidly finding out the advantage of Insisting Insist-ing on suppllps of all sorts with established es-tablished reputations. This Is especially especi-ally true In buying tires. In other words, most tiros are bought nowadays; nowa-days; formerly they were sold. Only a year or two ago It was next to Imposslblo to find an automobile that had tires of the same kind on all four wheels, excepting of course, the new cars on which the factory equipment equip-ment was still In use. Formerly a big percentage of buyers simply asked ask-ed for a tire when they needed one. Now they Insist on getting some Bpo-clal Bpo-clal brand of tiro, and the number of four-wheelerB, cars equlppod with the same tires all around, are fairly numerous. This Is a good sign; It shows that motorUts are learning to appreciate Quality. When a tire of a certain make gives them service, they want one of 'the same kind when they buy again.' Advertising, of course, helps, but the service that tires giro, and what one motorist tells another about this sorvlce counts more than anything any-thing else. Mr. Broby went on to say that a big percentage of his customers now ask for Savago tires or Savage tubes, and that aside from factory equipment, equip-ment, Savages were easily tho lead-in lead-in four-wheeler In his territory. If this bo true, It Burely proves all of the ood things that havo been claimed for Savage products. |