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Show UFFRAQEWE'lT?Avr1,--- they 'Keep1, Police net dmfreh Off,c----1iHrMovtnt.klvt4y-.'Hlfeugiu.w, - s out London j London, Maly, 25i-j-8uffraglsts gave police4' and church officials a busy Sunday, whlfe" they"iEemsoIveIifi some, cases received, rough, treatment from the crowds which showed their Jfc-resentment Jfc-resentment at the recent interference 1 i with the king and the -damage done .to pictures in the national gallery. Sylvlai Pankhurst, who was again, .arrested under, the cat and mouse act, and her east end followers provided tho biggest excitement of the day. A- great procession formed at Canning Can-ning Town and .marched to Victoria Patrk. On the, way the women picked up Sylvia Pankhurst; who was chain- ' ed .and handcuffed to; fifteen women and surrounded, by other supporters armed with staves. , The, police allowed tho procession to proceed,, but when the park was reached they got the militant leader and thoso chained to her Into the park and then shut the gates -against tho rest of the women. Taken at a ,dls-ttdvantago, ,dls-ttdvantago, the women put up a stiff fight, but the police finally broke tho chains and arrested Sylvia. They allowed al-lowed tho others to go. Outside tho gates a furious struggle went on between be-tween the male suffragists and nutl-suffraglets, nutl-suffraglets, which tho police had great difficulty In breaking up. At Hampstead Heath suffragists had to call on tho police for protection protec-tion against a mob which rushed, their platform with cries of "Duck them. Wo will teach them to Insult, tho king. Many of tho women chose Westminster Westmin-ster Abbey and Newcastle Cathedral today to mako church demonstrations. At tho Abbey prayers were chanted for Mrs Pankhurst, protests' vero uttered rJgalnst tho apathy or tho church in the matter of tho forcible feeding of women and an appeal wtis mado to tho bishop of Down, who wa3 wajfiL preaclilng-to prevent tho torturing of jhs" women. A protest was also mado ot & women turned out of tho house ot God and thero. wero loud cries ot "Shamo on tho Church." The women fought against their removal and It was a considerable time boforo tho disturbance was quelled. Similar scenes were enacted in Newcastle cathedra"., where soma of the women hhd to be carried from the edifice and Ihen wero compelled to seek tho protection ot tho police from hosttlo crowds outside. Suffragettes raided numerous streets In tho west end of London early this morning, smashing windows. win-dows. Several of the women were arrested. The populace 'riished-a suffragette suf-fragette meeting iri"Hy"d"park- and tore down 'the piatfoftn "froinJ which speeches weretJeln'gr"lfllveed; The .police went"toe'Vld?!otUh'e suffragettes. suffra-gettes. '" ' "" - ' |