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Show NEW HAVEN BOARD INQUIRY RE81JMED. Director Elton Says Board Generally Acquiesced In Recommendations Made by Morgan Washington, Juno 3. J. S. Elton, a director of flio New Haven railroad, was tho first witness toddy when Inquiry In-quiry Into that system's financial affairs af-fairs was resumed beforo tho Intor-&tato Intor-&tato commcrco commission. Chief Counsel Joseph W. Folk, beforo be-foro beginning tho examination of tho witness, presented telegrams bearing on tho Now Haven's payments of money to newsphpers. Among them ho said were many paymentB manifestly mani-festly for legitimate advertising. Mr. Elton said ho was present at tho meeting at which Messrs. 'Mor-gan, 'Mor-gan, Rockefeller and Miller wore ap-pointed ap-pointed a committee In tho New York, Westchester & Boston transaction and, also when (hey reported. He felt the expenditure of over" 111,000,000 for tho road was extravagant, but had. ,abs.oluie confidence In Mews .Morgan, Rockefeller' and Miller." Domlnattd by Morgan Asked who wag the dominating 'figure 'fig-ure at the" board meeting, he'reilled: I think Mr. MeTlen was, but aarmi-ted aarmi-ted the board usually acquiesced In recommendations mado by J. Pier-pont Pier-pont 'Morgan. He said ho know nothing of tho i transactions with Fbllco Inspector Dyrncs except as ho had read tho testimony of Mr. Mellen. Tho witness said ho had expressed disapproval of tho oxpcndlturo of 1 20,-000,000 20,-000,000 for taking over tho Rhodo Island Isl-and trolleys, but had not voted against It. Ho thought Mr. Mellon proposed tho acquisition of tho trol-loys. trol-loys. Did hny of tho directors at meetings meet-ings over ask It any of tho transactions transac-tions connected with tho acquisition or consolidation of trolley concerns were- In violation of tho Sherman nn tl-trust law? Yes, I did sometimes, 'What answer did you get? vmI was tod that, tho Noy(c Haven's '"charter from' the statq of Connecticut, ' .allowed" it.fo dVtflmoBt anything 4 : ''Mr- Elton eiDViUicjLtba.t n most or tto trinBhctlotrs dtfcWiB'itjtoard meeting's" reports "were made by the 4 U. ' r executive committee, composed of Messrs Morgan, Rockefeller end Brush. What action did you tako as to theso reports? I generally accepted, them, j Without Investigation?. VeJl, wo usually gavo in to, Mr. Morgan. . t- 9 What do you know, of campaign contributions, con-tributions, made by Mr. Mellen? Mr. Elton was asked. I remember the opinion was expressed ex-pressed that there was to be no more of that sort of thing. Was the New Haven not operated as an adjunct to Wall street, as a speculative enterprise? , No. I bellevo.Mr Morgan's heart and soul were In tho Now TIaven and I do not think Wall street had anything any-thing to do with It. What is the difference between the present conduct of affhlrs as compared compar-ed with the former method? Mellen It Ambitious Well, the directors have learned a great deal. They are not taking ono man's word. Then the head of tho road Is a very different man. Mr. Mellen's ambition ran away with htm, Mr. Elliott Is moro deliberate. . He does not go with such a rush. He does not carry members of tho board off their feet. Tho directors now direct. 'Do you regard the control by brie man, as Mr.- Morgan controlled the Now Haven, as a bad thing for the public? ,, , Yes; I do. |