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Show I Co-ok Drug Co. , Emma Lucy Gates WILL APPEAR' IN LOGAN : 4'Wed., June 24 ? At Tab'ernacle TJnderJmnhgenfent of.-F.'-O. .Graham I ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Office of City Recorder, Logan, Utah, June 20, 1914. Scaled proposals will be received at this offloe until five o'clock p. m. on tho I3th day ot July, 1914, for tho construction of concrete sidewalks In Sidewalk" District No. 22, embracing about 700 lineal feet ot concrete curbs and '"g'iltters, 85,000 square feet of concrete sldowalks, and about 4000 'square feet of concrete street crossings. cross-ings. Instructions to bidders, together with plnns, profiles, specifications, and forms for proposal, contract and bond can bo obtained from Roy Bullen, City Engineer, upon a payment of five (5.00) dollars which amount will bo refunded upon tho return of the specifications, plans, etc., In good condition. The right Is rcsorved to roject any or all bids and to' waive minor defects. Tho contract ''price for sldowalks, etc., will bo paid In special tax warrants war-rants of Iogan City, payable In five equal annual Installments, under tho provisions of Tltlo 13, Chapter 15, Compiled Laws ot Utah, 1907 and acts amendatory thereto. Tho contract prlco for street crossings cross-ings will bo paid by Logan City from tho general fund. By order of tho city commission ers. WM.' EVANS, JR., 1 Ex-offlclo City Recorder. Kop'Viur"Moey,'at h6.v. AKlMS POWDER Absolutely Pure WALUM(MUME PHOSPHATE iiirnEEin . , London "Tango" Necklace Evelyn Thaw Bracelet -Theso two beautiful pieces of popular pop-ular jewelry are the craze among society so-ciety women In Now York and the larger cities. They are neat and elegant ele-gant gold finished articles that will gladden the heart of every girl or woman, no matter how young or old. Very stjlish hnd attractlvo.-Our attractlvo.-Our Free Offer We aro advertising Spearmint Chew .--...'' i 1. 1 i ' flH r. -"- - -- - ' ."uv - - ' MBfl Some of the Best Grazing Lands ' in the West for I $5.00 An Acre 1 ill Theso lands are In the vicinity of the Wonderful Ilnrncy Valley, ' Hhrney county, Oregon. 00,000 acres of agricultural lands ' being ? l opened jo colonization. President Mclvln J. Ballard say's quite a ' H number of our people aro nlready going Into tho Harney Valley and il sorao day ho oxpects to soo a slako of ZIon organized. SH HUGH Rl. SLOAN 9 of the Oregon and Western Colonization Company Is directing par- fill ties from various Utah points overy few days. Consult him for liH particulars. Local headquarters at-La'founUIInrdwnro Company, 3S I'fl West Center street, phono 19Cw. llH t U aH JFI lng Gum and deslro to placo a big box ot this fine, healthful gum Into every homo. It sweetens tho breath-whitens breath-whitens the teeth and aids digestion. It is refreshing and pleasing to all. To evory ono sending us but COc and 10c to cover shipping costs wo will ship a big box of twenty regular Eo packages of the Spearmint Gum and Include the elegant Tango Necklace and Evelyn Thaw Bracelet, absolutely free. This offer Is for a short time only. Not more than two orders to ono party. par-ty. Dealers not nllowcd to accept this. jfiH UNITED 8ALE8 COMPANY iU Dayton, Ohio P. O. Box 101 ilfl M X. PAYABLE QUARTERLY III We pay 8 on your savings from date of deposit fll Write to us, or better still, call and let us explain our plan H Hyde-Thompson Building f I Company U "Builders of Modern Homes" 37 N. Main, Logan, Utah H jl mmmmMM B I M Exhibition ot'V&C Premiums 4 fl vj, At Howell-Cardon Co.'sthe Premium Parlor vj, H H ..This display gives but a slight Idea of tho hundreds and hundre'ds of k mB A other beautiful, ornamental and usoful premiums you get in return for T" H f filled books of . IH A ?K Green Trading Stamps y A H Jf?K Tho Spcrry and .Hutchinson Company is tho only ono that offers Its Wr 1 jr stamp collectors tho advantages of national distribution. JP 1 f S. and II. Green Stamps aro given by 200,000 morchants 'throughout ' '.v. y H JkftS tho United States. 510,000,0(50 worth of merthandlso for 8,000,000 stamp j3a?'' ' hS1 collectors to choose from. ' r 1 V J, All S. and H. Oroen Trading Stamps nc matter where collected aro V M 4jJL redeemed ht Howell-Cardon Co. AS. and 1U Green Stalnp with every 4s Rpt dlmo you spend. Wo start your bookSvlth 10 stamps free r Clreen trad- lng stamps save you C per cent on what you Bpend. ",-. w i Howell Gardoh &o. $ I ffa Tho only dry goods store In Cache valley giving S. and II. Green trad && IP A lng stamps. 4 J K |