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Show Development League Is Interested The following letter from Mr. James M. Klrkham, secretary of tho Utah Development League, needs no explanation: r Juno 17, 1914. Logan Itcpubllcan, Logan, Utah, Gentlemen: Your last Issue has Just reached mo and I assure you that I appreciate tho editorial that you glvo tho Clean City Contest. Just such support will do a great deal of good. There Is no reason In the world why Logan should not Join tho contest as sho has many good chances to win. You told tho whole story when you said, "Ojganlzo and then work." nvcry club, organization, religious or social, should tako part. A ropro- J " a sentatlvo from each ono of those clubs or societies In your town should organize together In one great effort to clean up tho town. It this could bo done I am sure Logan wquld havo ovory chance to win the prlzo In her class. Assuring you that wo appreciate this kind of support, wo remain, Very truly, UTAH DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE, James M. Klrkham, Secretary. |